GDKP in Season of Discovery

So if everyone can solo it selling it wouldn’t be needed.
Good thing to note there.

So why do we need GDKP back for that?

Please tell me you think this was the incorrect part.

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My guess is that it isn’t GDKP back that he wants for this but the ability to sell the items for G inside the dungeon, which currently is against the rules in SoD iirc.

That’s not even an accurate statement if everyone can solo it. Which certain classes can solo it.

I did not say bring back GDKP. I said clarify the policy better. You can ban the large scale mass gold bid system raids and not hit dungeon farm sales like DM:North tribute chests.

Seems pretty simple to me and im hella stupid.

You cant buy or sell tribute items.

My guess is they wont enforce this policy for Tribute runs or GDKP because they finally realize how cringe it is that they are telling what few players remain that they can’t have fun.

honestly gdkp would be so good for the server. like give players a chance to make gold by playing the game holy moly.

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i wouldnt mind some gold for carrying bad players.

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The black rock event provides a decent daily income.

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If the “social structure” is predicated on illicit activities it doesnt deserve to exist tbh.

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Can you use less big words I’m stupid

Shut down the Auction house then.

n-no that’s different b-because I want to use the auction house s-so it has to stay in!!

The AH as a whole isnt predicated on illicit activities. You cant claim crashes, or the flipside, is entirely illicit because we have 20 years of proof of players, not bots but players, doing whatever they can to make a quick buck, up to and including selling 30 different 20 stacks of an item at 1 item per just to make sure theirs was bought, undercutting or crashing an item so they can buy it up and resell it, and selling something for far more than its normally worth for literally no other reason than just to see who will buy it

You also dont need the AH to win the game. Everywhere that gdkp is allowed that doesnt have the overwhelming population that retail does, revolves entirely on gdkp, and im not explaining for the 25th time to the same 3 people on why thats bad.

I am however, indifferent on the ah. It doesnt bother me one way or the other if its gone because i can still do content without it. If i have to pay someone every time i want to content that i dont need to be carried in i just wont play the game. As many other people have chosen.

Also again, id have no problem with gdkps if they werent both the only pug option during the time the game content is current and active, and if they werent so slummy with artificial inflating of bids, to charging for a spot and for every piece of gear that drops, and everything in between…

But the reality is what i said above just isnt the case, and if im going to be screwed out of gear, id rather it be blizzards system and not yours because at least then i wouldnt lose actual gold too.

Not even surprised to see you for gdkps with how low your parses were. You need organized groups to carry you with those sub 20 parses until your gear is good enough to make your rotational mistakes not matter


Oh so all tanks need to have leatherworking for Onyxia cloaks?

No. You also dont need the AH to get a cloak what a weird example to try to use are you okay?

The only reason you need the ah for that cloak, is if you exclusively pug and have no friends and refuse to just talk to people in chat and at that point what are you even doing here go play a single player game.


You don’t need to rmt to do gdkps.

Gdkps can exist without any rmt, if you removed all rmt gdkps would still exist and still be the most popular pug raid style.

You really can’t dispute this.

Oh so you have no clue what you’re saying, why didn’t you just open with that?

No one ever said that, ever.

They lead to an ARMS RACE in which bad players will rmt to get an edge.

If you have no problem with this you are complicit in it.


Im sure you know this despite me mostly ignoring you cause you just dont have good takes, but my issue with gdkps didnt and never have ended at only the rmt aspect of it.

Problem is, though, until you either find a way to keep banned people gone, or fundamentally change how the gold system works, rmt will never be stopped in this game. Literally never. Its existed as long as the game has existed.

All that can be done until one of those two things changes is to cut the problems that stem from rmt.

Get rid of RMT, and change the other two things i mentioned, then we can talk. Till then, nah.

If i remember correctly you’ve literally participated in a thread where gdkp goers have admitted to participating in, and running with, groups that have charged an entry fee in addition to charging for individual items.

Dont know why youre acting like that doesnt happen again (or acting intentionally ignorant to try to say im saying every gdkp run ever does that when i havent said that), but cant say I’m not surprised

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I think that no gdkps in sod is fine, the raids aren’t hard enough so pugs can most likely kill all bosses.

Most era players are good awful tho.

Look at cata, imagine trying to play an alt in a pug raid trying to do 13/13H, it ain’t happening and that’s where gdkps come in since the discord gdkp communities I’m in are good players you can easily achieve full clears on you alts.

Gdkps will never not exist in classic simply because the token is in the game anyway. As long as blizzard is getting their cut, youll always have whales to fund you and youll always have gdkps because blizzard cant ban something they themselves fund and not be laughed at by everyone, gdkpers and non gdkpers alike.