GDKP in Season of Discovery

It’s not too late for you to repent either.

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yeah you got me tiyoo, a real gotcha lol


Lest we forget.

RIP freedom, RIP player agency, RIP honest communication.

Censorship, draconian laws, and controlled narratives are what we can look forward to from this dev team.


Keep GDKPS banned, please and thankyou!!


Lest we forget



I would really like to know how many of the people in this post who are asking Blizzard to do something with GDKPs advocate liberalism in the economy in real life.

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abolish the government

I wonder if anyone here has realized that inflation isn’t a real issue in this video game because it has anti-inflation measures such as the AH’s 5% cut and goldsinks. It doesn’t seem like it when they keep talking about the IRL economy.

It also has bots that keep supply higher than demand.

Bots don’t do gdkps tho so they are fine

And since the rest of the player pool can both act as consumers AND producers, supply and demand will quickly normalize if there’s not enough supply.

Why don’t these IRL economy wizards know anything about how a video game economy works?

Revisit and update this policy in regards to how it affect Dire Maul Tribute chest, a foundational aspect of Classic activity that has been eroded by this ham-fisted attempt at restricting player agency in the name of fighting bots.

Roll for chest items. Don’t be a ninja.

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You do realize that players can solo Dire Maul tribute runs right?

Dear Developers,

I hope you’re well. I’m writing to urgently bring to your attention a critical issue on the Crusader Strike server in WoW SoD P4—the extreme imbalance on Blackrock Mountain. The current 100:1 Horde to Alliance ratio has made gameplay nearly impossible for Alliance players.

As a result, we spend 95% of our game time on the 2-minute resurrection screen, significantly impacting our enjoyment and progress. This persistent frustration threatens the vibrant community that makes this game so special.

We recognize that balancing such a complex game is challenging, but we urgently request that you address this imbalance. Implementing adjustments to create a more balanced play environment would greatly improve our gaming experience and help sustain the community.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing matter. We appreciate all your hard work!

Alliance Player on Crusader Strike Server

More loot for them.

Ok. Good non-engagement with the point. Goodbye.

I was being camped for 4 hours straight as a 45 horde this morning from multiple level 60 alliance on crusader strike…alliance reap what they sow. Gutless dogs

The point is moot.

Selling the tribute table is a player activity based around a rare loot delivery method of a chest as opposed to a monster where you have to be present at kill to have access to the loot.

Items are still Bind on Pickup so not designed to be sold using the in game system.
You can sell the quail though.

You are incorrect. I am sorry that you don’t like what I have to say. But I have my right to say it. troll somewhere else.

No, you are incorrect.