GDKP in Season of Discovery

Every gdkp server youd join would have 1 or 2 randoms, sometimes even the organisers messaging you asking if you wanted to buy gold. During those runs if people didnt have enough to bid, people would tell them to message them for gold and they could work something out.

We all had to do a GDKP or two in wrath to afford consumes / items for legendaries and this is what blizzard is trying to eliminate. The damned if you do, damned if you dont.

If GDKP and RMT didnt go hand in hand they wouldnt feel the need to see what impact it had on botting numbers and RMT numbers if they banned it. You can do a quick /who of popular botting spots on both sod and era, remembering sod still has the much higher player base.

Guess which server has more bots though? The one that still allows GDKPS.


I’m not a fan of these runs either.

I don’t know if this is much to go by, since SoD killed most reasons to go out into the world and there’s been a lot more raidlogging going on in SoD.

On a side note, people will compare SoD and Era populations but they don’t realize that the amazing thing about Era’s population is its consistency, especially for how long it’s been around.

There are pros and cons to GDKPs, but I think outright banning it was a huge mistake. If this ban remains, SoD will never ever have the consistency or longevity that Era has.

I just timed myself.

It took me 18 seconds to find the price of gold on g2g.

Its around $7 for 10,000 gold.

Does this make me a “gold seller”?

I also know a dime bag costs $10, am i now a drug dealer?

I also know a Tesla truck is around $100,000, does this make me a car dealer?

I think its time for blizzard to acknowledge there is a demand for policy change.

its the player “diescumdie”

I must’ve really hit a nerve to get you all riled up lol

I just enjoy reading the gdkp forums smile.

Please bring back GDKP

Only if you want the bots to come back.

the bots never left…

Maybe the bots will disappear now that incursions are finally fixed to how they shouldve been.

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Liquidate your stock and pack it up GDKP is finished here.

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I think blizzard should provide some input on this.

Please bring back GDKP to season of discovery

Ouch dang there it is again.


It’s kind of funny.

“What? No, I never partake in the stock market. Well, anyways, I feel the Nikkei is rising in the medium long term. Trends indicate that the market is experiencing positive development and that buy interest among investors is increasing. The index has broken through resistance predicting a further rise. The short term momentum of the index is strongly positive, with RSI above 70 indicating increasing optimism among investors and further price increases. However, particularly for big stocks, high RSI may be a sign that the stock is overbought and that there is a chance of a reaction downwards. I’d overall assess it as technically positive for the medium long term.”

“Huh? Why would you think I have anything to do with the stock market? Silly.”


It’s not supposed to. It’s a seasonal/temporary event.


They mentioned possibly making permanent servers for SoD if there was enough players, but good luck.

Keep Gdkp out forever. ty very mucho.


Only “kind of” funny? I know something VERY funny. You.

You who directly partnered up with gold sellers to run your GDKP boosting operation. You were fully complicit in and contributed to your gold selling partners’ business in order to have your GDKPs constantly infused with RMT whales. You’re the exact type of player that Blizzard bans for your relations with RMT. You’re the type of player that messed it up for everyone else. Now you’re here with insinuations? Hypocrite.

Continuing the discussion from GDKP Ban Lifted: