GDKP in Season of Discovery

A rare Blizzard W


post logs 10char

post dogs 10char


Or Blizzard? They’re the ones who make the policy.

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LOL! Love the deflection. My first was Lights Hope, Holy Paladin named Yevon. I won’t post logs as that will get me suspended.

Not sure what that has to do with P2W though.

why would posting logs get you suspended
it’s not deflection. I’m proving my point that you people dont play the game.

It’s amazing you still haven’t realized you’ll never be able to recreate the original experience.


Thanks for clarifying that all you care about is us using GOLD to bid being the issue. Thankfully we don’t need to use GOLD.

Like that original experience of Mage healers, and Warlock and Rogue tanks?

That isn’t SoD’s goal, and I commend Blizz on banning something that hurts the community, and promotes gold buying.


You have yet to prove any point besides you buy gold. But grats on that I guess.

Oh just realized, this character has logs. That would disprove your nonsensical point by itself lol

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Mine does in WotLK. We don’t bother with it in BFD though.

When you and your mods censor/delete any thread critical of this decision, it’s all the more telling.

Your decision does not stand up to scrutiny, so you delete the scrutiny.

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Anyone that says this is not paying attention or being willfully ignorant. One must only look and the devaluation of illicit gold since the announcement that GDKP’s were banned.


What they’re going to find is that it doesn’t impact RMT since they refuse to actually enforce that and banning GDKP’s won’t magically change the community of classic.

Blizzard correctly concluded that GDKP is what’s driving most RMT. Ban that, and most bots farming gold to sell disappear because of no demand.

Well I guess we’ll get to see if that’s actually true or whether blizzard is just gas lighting GDKP driving RMT.

Ziryus, come on. You can’t possibly think that RMT and GDKPs aren’t connected.

Now, maybe players will find another way to somehow use their gold to buy gear. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t happening in GDKPs. And it’s up to Blizzard to try to clean up the game, and they actually are. Is that because they know they can’t beat the bot armies and therefore are just banning the biggest reason players buy gold? Perhaps.

But…they’re trying something.


No demand? What about the cost of normal and epic mounts coming up. I’ll remind you mounts are on a per character basis. Imagine wanting two epic mounts, one for your main and one for your alt.

Demand will still be there, and gold buying will continue.

Thank you for making this change! :heart:

I mean they did a 200k ban wave of bots…

They aren’t punishing the playerbase
The playerbase did that to themselves by buying gold from the bots who farm for you

If people didn’t buy gold as abundant as they are now there will be less bots to farm hence less of a market to sell gold this lowering the amount of times people buy gold

It’s called a butterfly effect