GDKP in Season of Discovery

Did you report the spam?

If youre anti drugs do you call up drug dealers and ask for their prices?


lol Notop. Okay I’ll go back to pvp. These guys are pretty funny sometimes.

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If I worked for the DEA, I would have a very good idea of what drug prices are.

Do you work for blizzard?

I don’t he works Blizz, or the DEA, and I also don’t think he reported that RMT spam, sadly.

Okay, last for awhile lol. I am off. Have fun y’all.


we have the cost of gold posted fairly regularly on these forums including graphs of the gold cost over time

Now we have someone who judges people based on whether or not they report RMT spam? JFC, these are some of the worst “gotchas” I’ve ever seen on these forums.

Please, come up with real arguments if you have anything of substance to say.

Never seen one, like are you getting that the only people actively seeking out the price of gold / the best method to make $$ are the gdkpers?

And it shows

well if you’ve never seen it, obviously it doesn’t exist, what a dummy

Can you get an example up please? I honestly havnt seen one. I have only been going into these GKDP threads for last few days though.

Maybe you think GDKPers want $ because you don’t understand how little $$ it actually is. If someone wanted $, it would be very inefficient to get gold from GDKPs. It makes a lot more sense to just run a whole network of bots like everyone else. That’s why all of this is stupid.

sure, they aren’t hard to find

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All from the same positive GDKPER hahahahahaha. Thanks for that.

Still waiting on graphs and stuff though.

All im seeing is a gold seller posting the information he knows.

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goal posts shifted

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You literally just proved my point. For some reason the GDKP enjoyers know the cost of gold in every iteration of classic. I never knew how bad it was.


Had to pop back real quick, cause I’m chuckling.

Tiyoo when you say ‘run a whole network of bots like everyone else’, well, I gotta respond that I don’t know anyone who runs whole networks of bots. And I gotta ask, why do you?


How does he know that is more profitable? hmmmm

“Oh ive just been looking up botting data aswell as gold cost and how much gold i could sell per hour purely because im against RMT”

lol it’s a mystery.

Edit: Okay for real, I should really pay attention to raid/pvp. Again, y’all have fun.

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