GDKP in Season of Discovery

Ya but honestly it doesn’t even matter at this point. Sod is so dead and hilariously bad why would anyone even wanna come back to it besides addicts who never left?

Entire forum being 3 people ok

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Why are you posting here then?

Spent some time scrolling up and looking at how many pro-RMT/GDKP players are spamming delusions and screech, and how many anti-RMT/GDKP players are just clowning on them.

Tis a good smile.

Remember kids:

Say no to RMT/GDKP.


SoD is down 95% in players.
Versions that have GDKP are where all the players are.
You’re still acting like banning GDKP has “saved” SoD.

Reality is you’ve removed a massively popular game mode and you’re pointing to everything but that for why players left. You’re sitting here smug acting like you won something. What a joke. You and the devs deserve eachother.


Reality is that banning GDKPs had nothing to do with the decline of SoD.
It actually slowed down the decline of SoD in P1… you can see that yourself.

You’re not getting GDKP back any time soon Berg…but I think I might have some idea as to why you’re so hellbent on getting it back in SoD:
Cata has the Token so trying to sell gold to gold sellers isn’t lucrative… (Can already get 8k gold for $20 and no risk of ban)
Era is too flooded with gold that not even the bots are there selling much gold so you can’t sell your GDKP gold to them…

SoD is the only place that doesn’t have a massive gold laundering operation anymore…and you miss your dayjob running GDKPs to sell to gold sellers. (There aren’t many other reasons I could see some guy pining after a “loot system” for 5 months on end with little interruption.)

Have a good one, Broheim. Every time you cry about SoD GDKP… I smile just a bit more.


Oh yeah, you got me dude, I want to use GDKP to make *checks notes * $50 a week for 20 hours of work :joy:

This is the reality you need to be focued on. Instead you’re driving away more players by acting foolish and clinging to your biases

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Man you sure know alot about the cost of RMT. Sus

Whats SoM numbers looking like compared to peak? Or even classic era?

Can you also compare the # of bots on those servers to sod? Thats a very good way of seeing the demand for raw gold.

Less people copping bans on sod for buying gold aswell, strange. Its almost as if removing GDKPS eliminated the cash flow of all these 3rd party websites on sod.

Only the people that dont enjoy the actual game are complaining, just skip the middle man and buy your gold if you CBF farming. Its the same gold you got in gdkps anyways.

Because I feel like it. Why don’t you go cry about the god class some more

So you have nothing going on for you. Got it

I got more going for me than you

All you do is cry about the god class you’re posting on and playing.

The epitome of pathetic playing a game every other community in wow actively makes fun of.


I think the epitome of pathetic would be posting on the forums of a game you dont play. Why?

I play wow. You play wow. Yet you are still asking the same question that I just answered.
You’re still also an orc male showhelm shaman while simultaneously complaining about shamans. You have emotional damage


gdkp’s give me a warm fuzzy feeling tbh.

Source: completely made up

So you do get it? Nice! Yes, this is exactly what people do. Wait are you arguing for or against GDKP?

Bring back gdkp please

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Give us the wow token from retail in SOD and give us GDKPs.

Oh, I see you’re quoting your source for “gdkp ban killed SoD”. Carry on.


GDKP discords are a toxic cesspool of RMT, we’ve all seen it.

GDKP is a racket.