GDKP in Season of Discovery

If we have every other version and Gdkp is dominant in those versions then gdkp is the dominant voice.


Doesn’t look that way in sod.
A loot system dominating a game over others does not make it ok for the player base or the health of the game. Did you not read the blue post?


It actually does, because the community came up with gdkp and the community embraces it time and time again.

Yes, I did read the blue post and the color of the text doesnt make them right. Bots and RMT were unaffected. And social structures? There are gdkp communities with more than 10000 members, among the most active communitiesin wow. How many raiders are there in sod? Lol.


This did not exist in the OG.

Blizzard already said it does affect it even in a follow up post. I guess they are lying?

Slamming sod’s current state compared to what era? Pretty irrelevant. 30k gdkp community? Even if real you are missing the point.

You are going to die on this gdkp hill obviously so doesn’t really matter what anyone tells you including blizz

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Need I remind you they made blood moon and incursions? Where is this confidence in blizzard coming from? They need to listen to the community more and to themselves less. The community wants gdkp, clearly. They’ve spoken in all versions of classic.


Well if you dislike it so much it’s your lucky day. You don’t have to play it

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You guys are down to 37k pop rofl.


Am here to say NO to GDKP. Back to wherever you came from


Post your data on players who want GDKP vs player who don’t w/ source.


Nah, its just funny seeing you push a rock up a hill just for it to come rolling down again.

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This is Blizzards game, there is no Constitution, you dont have a WoW Bill of Rights.
The players said enough is enough with GDKP in SoD, and Blizz listened.
Thanks Blizz,

  • The Fans

No we didn’t.
Policing a loot system is cringe.

  • The Fans
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Players vote every day when they choose what kind of raid to create and participate in. GDKP consistently dominates classic wow. This is a loud and consistent proclaimation that GDKP is the preferred option for raiding. Want to know why?

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Are you telling me there’s no concrete data to support the claim there’s a majority census?

There is and in fact it is used as part of the flawed argument against gdkp.

“Gdkp is taking over and I cant raid any other way”


Because they can clear the raids quickly and earn a large amount of gold, thanks to the RMT and whale gold buyers.


I’m guessing you’ve never been a part of a gdkp community, yet here you are making things up that fit your narrative.

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Bring back GDKP and put the wow token from retail into sod so I can purchase other wow games with the gold swipers gave me for carrying them in extremely easy raid content. I already have too much game time from the people paying me to carry them in wrath so I would like the better wow token, thanks blizz looking forward to it.

I was in a guild with one of the biggest GDKP organisers on Yojamba. He made a lot of IRL money selling his GDKP organiser gold cuts to gold sellers(paid for a trip for him and his GF to thailand), and openly discussed within the guild who the biggest gold buyers were on the server and how he would get them in to his gdkp runs. He was also angry when the pots were low because there weren’t any whales in the group and things went “too cheaply”.


This is it right here, its not GDKP community (lol), or raid scheduling issues, or w/e else bs claims are made.

SoD gold was literally “worth its weight in gold”. Blizz kneecapped them and they big mad.

Then theres people who just dont gaf and want to rake in big pots, source of the gold be damned.