GDKP in a nutshell

I’ve totally never seen Rogues on Classic Era with greens, empty slots, and Thunderfury. Buyers don’t exist. StaX is fake. /s

Gold buyers, just stop. Nobody is buying the act. If you buy gold, we will get you banned. If you participate in RMT, we will get you banned.


I don’t think anyone is saying they don’t exist, but that’s not the norm. Obviously RMT and botting is an issue. That materializes in gdkps as well as other segments of the game (including more direct guild carries/ticket runs/achievement runs) like all of the economy… the presence of a wow token is actually the strongest tool against this because direct enforcement clearly is sloppy

Truly great to see the rise against GDKPs. There is still hope.


Everyone is literally buying gear unless they are FULL bis which is rarely the case.

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Overlooked doesnt mean its not actionable.

If not for the mass reporting, the inappropriate language wouldn’t have been actioned. The advertisements would have been overlooked (the thing that triggered the language action). Of course it’s all actionable. Emoting at someone is actionable. Ive seen logs where people got cited ‘lol’ was part of their abusive chat report.

The “MVP” used an example of speeding but also crashing a car.

No. It was more like being reported for loitering for just walking down the street wearing clothes other people don’t like, being detained inappropriately and arrested for having a gram of weed in my pants.

Sure, weed is illegal, no one actually cares though, and the guy searching me and who reported me smokes too, but why you stopped and searched me in the first place was a bunch of bull.

Part of does not mean its abusive.

Not true in plenty of contexts.

as weve said, wouldve been overlooked/not actioned does not mean it isnt against policy or tos.


lol. You speak for yourself and yourself alone.

By wouldn’t be ‘actionable’ I meant actioned. Meaning, those chats wouldn’t have led to anything if not for the gdkp reports, which we all know is bull.

The MVP literally said the same thing as i just said. Other commenters have said it as well. You are in denial.

Only because that specific GM wouldve given you a pass. Its against TOS, and thats not debatable.

If someone else said this, then why are you repeating them? I addressed what they said too.

I’m not debating whether or not you could selectively enforce a set of chat messages. I’m debating the appropriateness of doing so triggered by a mass report of a separate issue.

It’s absolutely appropriate. Nothing stopped authorities placing more charges on someone they’ve arrested for something else, if they investigate and find more things they are liable for.

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Because you were trying to say it wasnt actionable for a long time. i thought maybe i could try and help you understand and get through to you, and wow, look, it worked!

The whole debate was whether or not GDKPs are bannable. we said they are if advertised in LFG. You argued it wasnt because the gm said he wouldve overlooked it.

We don’t have a Trade (Services) Channel in SoD.

GDKPs are not paid-for services like purchased access to leveling, boosting, PvP groups, etc.

So none of this seems applicable in any real way beyond the general rules against:

  • spamming
  • advertising using inappropriate characters
  • advertising for off-realm activities
  • linking 3rd party websites, programs, or apps

A GDKP group looking for a few last minute fills in LFG is no different than literally any other MS/OS, Soft Reserve, or even Loot Council group doing the same. There’s no compulsion to participate in the run’s loot system if you don’t want, and in the LC example, sometimes people were simply open offered a slot because it was better than nothing and many raids had rep to acquire like AQ40.

Okay we all know this is a flat out lie. We saw what happened to the victims of Grizzly’s mass reporting campaign and the nonsense needed to sort that out during AQ40’s opening.


Mirasol’s put a comment above suggesting what we do in the absence of a Trade Services channel. Hopefully this does get raised for consistency of policy.

I have a feeling it won’t be addressed because Blizzard doesn’t actually think GDKP groups saying “LFM” in LFG is against the rules :expressionless:

Youre also paying to buy the gear off the run, and getting paid for your contribution. it is 100% a service.

That is what /2 is for


No, for the fourth time, my suspension was due inappropriate language in chat.

The brigade was formed in trade chat against me. My notice and suspension followed immediately after this. People reported me erroneously from advertising in trade. I did advertise in lfg as well. Always have. Many people do. There still is not clarity on this explicitly being disallowed.

You didn’t add clarity to anything. Don’t assign unearned piety to yourself. Saying ‘it wouldn’t have been actionable without the mass reports’ means it would not have been placed in front of a gm to hit ‘confirm’ on the suspension if not for the mass reports. If it were, would it be actionable, of course, but that doesn’t mean anything in reality. I was speaking in practical consequential terms. It’s really not that confusing.

If you’re advertising specifically for more buyers to a GDKP, I’d call that Trade.

If you’re advertising generally for bodies to fill a GDKP, I’d call that LFG.

The rest of the rules apply obviously, but I know GMs are hesitant to make a clear-cut call because there’s probably internal arguments about this all the time. I wouldn’t be surprised if one or more very outspoken anti-GDKP posters here or elsewhere like Twitter/Reddit/etc are actually Blizzard employees. Not that they necessarily have clout at Blizzard, but culturally they likely have splits on these matters.


But if I reward you with DKP on my spreadsheet, and make you spend DKP to get an item, that’s not a “service”?

No, Retail specifically split Trade to specifically account for trade services and then made a rule about what constitutes said services with a dedicated channel existing.

We don’t have that channel. We have LFG.


Except even your sacred mvp has admitted that /2 may also be inappropriate since a trade services doesn’t exist, meaning gdkp cannot be advertised in global channels at all. This is why you have endless streams of people believing the lfg channel is appropriate and using it without issue. Again, this isn’t even what got me suspended. The language was.

Edit: you must also consider that people still mass report lfg posts in trade regardless of the loot system. There’s this delusional notion that these erroneous reports get filtered from legitimate ones and are unimpactful - lol, no. You just have x reports and it triggers review, a review to then search for things that no one cared about and would have otherwise went unnoticed.

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