GDKP in a nutshell

This is where the rule is dumb.

Gdkps are still looking for people to do group based content.

The loot setting is just an auction based system, nothing is for sale when advertising because you havent formed the GROUP yet to do the content.


I highly doubt anyone is gonna get banned for posting that their GDKP group is LFM in LFG :expressionless: It’s a group. They are looking for more. The channel is designed for that.

It seems like some people are getting banned for abusive chat though, which is likely getting wrapped up in this and people think they’re banned for advertising GDKP.

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Yeah this is why i think the rule is dumb.

LFM Naxx gdkp.

Im stating the raid is Naxx, which is group content and im looking for more people to do said content and the loot rules are gdkp.

Its literally what LFG channel is made for, it makes 0 sense to me.

Is gold exchange designed to happen in that group? Yes? Then it does not belong in LFG. That is Blizzard’s opinion on it and since they make the rules, and enforce them, that is what we players have to go on.

You don’t have to agree of course. The info is only important so that people know where to post their adverts so they can avoid penalties.

Yes, they will get a suspension for posting a group advertisement involving gold in the wrong channel. They will also get penalized for posting on a character that can’t participate in the run, such as a new level 1, or allied race level 10.

LFG is just that - a group using the basic game systems.

Trade(services) is for advertising carries, runs for gold exchange, etc.

The policy was updated in 2022 so is still pretty new to a lot of people, esp folks who returned to play Classic.

It is both. You can read the Blue post on it for clarification. There are also lots of other folks who come to CS upset they got a penalty for advertising in the wrong place, or posting too often (spam).

You were told what you were penalized for:

  • Spam (advertising in two channels at once)
  • Advertising in the wrong channel
  • Language that violated the chat policies

You really should actually read what the Blue posted instead of trying to argue with everyone about it. You seem to make up something then try to argue it into existence. You are right though, the language penalty was the one that tipped it over the edge, but it does not make the spam/advertising ok either.


Which is what?

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Well, what the blue said here leads me to think that “wrong channel” is not a rule that is enforced very much :expressionless: I do think people are being banned for spamming both trade and LFG channels very frequently though. That would be obnoxious.

I would also like you to define “basic game systems”.

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Other than clarifying that GDKP’s were okay the GM response didn’t clarify what channel they should be posted in. All they really said was we don’t care unless you get mass reported then we’ll arbitrarily decide whether it was the right channel or not.


Yea the ruling just makes no sense to me, i get the MVP has no power on what the rules are.

Just odd cuz the loot setting shouldnt determine where youre allowed to post looking for group members in a group activity.

It’s so double handed to say “you were suspended for advertising in the wrong channel, but also we’d overlook that if you weren’t mean, but we wouldn’t have suspended you for being mean if you weren’t advertising in the wrong channel” Like which one is it? Is it both? Why would either or be allowed? Maybe the rules aren’t concrete enough and require too much selective enforcement?

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Which is why it would have been nice if the GM had been willing to flat out say GDKP’s belong on trade only or that they’re fine in LFG as well.

Especially since realistically most people use them interchangeably for everything.

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If it didn’t give you a snippet then you’re only assuming it to be in relation to the advertising. They will never give you the full chat log regardless of what you were saying when. It doesn’t matter that things were days apart, it still culminated in a sanction. If a snippet is provided, it’s a small selection. It’s not going to be every nuance of what got you in trouble.

GDKPs have gold transactions involved. That puts them in the same boat as any other service. They’re not exactly like boosts or carries, but that there is gold involved as it is, that makes it a service - same as the rest. They’re all bound by the same rules.

This has been stated dozens of times over in both of the threads recently over on CS.

They are not fine in LFG. That is the wrong channel. That is what the Blue post was saying.

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That’s not what they said anywhere in their post. All they said was post them in the right channel.


I’m not assuming anything. You don’t go from getting flamed in /2 having people whispering you to go die and various anti-gdkp hate, to having the mass report notice in the top right, to getting dc’d and suspended. That’s not a coincidence. That’s a chain of events.

I disagree. Cheers!

Blizz should add a public Tribunal system similar to how Riot had it 10 or so years ago, showing reason, chat log examples and all.

With the way some people carry on about their ban, you kind of see why they got banned…

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Because the Support article and forum post tells us what channel to use.

Any boosting, carrying, or other similar services offered for gold that’s advertised outside of the Trade (Services) chat channel will be considered spam and the proper actions will be taken, so be sure to switch your service advertisements to the new chat channel when it becomes available after this week’s regional maintenance.

Individuals and guilds selling boost or assistance in raiding, dungeon, or PvP activities for gold is allowed but can only be advertised in-game through the Trade Services chat channel. Advertising for gameplay activities should be done by a WoW player-character who intends to participate in the gameplay activities. This means there should be no cross-realm advertising, and there should be no advertising from non-participating players.

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None of these clearly indicate that gdkp belongs solely in the trade chat.

Yeah i just dont agree with the rule and i know it doesnt matter if i do.

Thats not what gdkps are.

They arent boosts, they arent offering any assistance in raiding, it isnt a carry run.

Its literally a raid full of people using an auction based loot setting.


You are, actually. You said your email specifically said your sanction was for

You got reported for what you were saying that goes against the rules you agreed to. It doesn’t matter what someone said that “prompted” you to reply. Context does not matter. Now, if you actually were reported many times over for the GDKP - more reports only adds weight to the other ones that already would have put you under review.

And as has also been stated many times over - people like to whisper and threaten (which you absolutely SHOULD be reporting) and all of that mess for your advertising. That doesn’t mean they’re actually going to do it.

If you weren’t breaking any rules and were posting appropriately - you would have gotten a temporary squelch MAYBE, if there were enough reports. You were sanctioned because of things you were saying. Then compounded it with the GDKP advertising in the wrong channel, back to back with it being posted in the appropriate channel. That is spam, even if it were okay to post in both channels.