GDKP has ruined classic's community

I have that attitude. I find lots of people to raid with. :wink:


And? I don’t see an issue with that. My point in this thread was to enforce the rules they have now, not attack the playerbase who choose to spend their time differently than the OP.

I find running GDKPs on older content that I don’t need anymore a way to help alts with money get gear, while incentivizing players who need nothing to carry them through it.

I used to run some GDKPs during Wrath. Did Ony, Ulduar, and ToC while running ICC with my raid team (had a lot of free time back then heh).

Was a positive thing. Lower end players got to see some raids and get some gear. Higher end got to face roll content and make a few cold coins.

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Guess the OP is even more toxic than he lets on.

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I don’t either.

But, you only quoted a small part of a larger post.

Except the playerbase are choosing to spend their time in ways that support those who are breaking the rules. That was the point I originally made.

You are continually contradicting yourself by saying, “Blizzard enforce your rules!” While simultaneously saying, “Keep accepting gold that’s been paid for.”


You’re toxic for thinking that attitude is toxic.

Because I object to drawing broad negative generalizations about anyone who participates in a perfectly legitimate form of raiding?

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Did he say something false?

Tell me where the gold is coming from, then, if you’re so smart.

Umm… the same place as all other gold comes from. Drops and vendoring stuff.

Roger that. I guess everything is okay then. :wink:

Makes you wonder why botting is even a problem when there’s clearly no profit in it. Since nobody buys gold, right? They just get it all from drops and vendoring. I think it’s pretty clear that you’ve cracked the code, Ziryus. These bots are just wasting their time because people are just making gold through drops and vendoring and they’re obviously not buying it. Well done, sir. You’re the smartest man in the room.


And this is why we need our gold reduced to 500 max per account, because it goes with out saying that I would be full of it if I thought my gold supply was 100% clean. I know that for sure some one bought gold and purchased my herbs without a doubt, or that gold was filtered in some how.

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Noone is saying botting is not a problem.

However it’s incorrect to claim that all gold in GDKP’s in from bots.

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You couldn’t buy an Epic mount if they did that. I get what you’re saying, but some of the larger transactions need more than 500g. Plus, bot accounts could just separate the amounts across different accounts.

Woah! GDKP can come from bots?!

You’re hitting me with a bit of whiplash there! You had me convinced that GDKP was just fair, honest business but now you’re hitting me with this? I need to sit down for a second…my heart…it cannot take it.

Guess what else bot gold can be used for? The AH, trading person to person etc… trying to single GDKP’s out and falsely claim that anyone who runs GDKP is using botted gold is just lying.


I’ve posted this elsewhere, but I’ll do so here for the sake of people who don’t quite understand how the GDKP market works and keeps bots well-fed.

They just recycle it and they use Players as a proxy. GDKP are essentially mules. This is why it’s difficult to find out who is at “fault” for the current market. Here’s my working theory on how the current system works:

The way players will try to earn gold and remain competitive is to rely on GDKP runs. They will do this regardless of the fact that GDKP indirectly keeps bot system up and running.

Bots have major influence over the market. If you’re buying Black Lotus, Plaguebloom, or whatever else you need for raids, there’s always a chance you’re buying your stuff from a bot and not a real player.

The gold you used to buy your mats is then recycled. It is traded to other players in exchange for real-world money. The gold through RMT can then used in the GDKP market to buy items. Remember the guy who spent 198k for Gressil?

So where does the gold go after the GDKP is over? Naturally, that gold can be used to buy more things on the AH which have been farmed by bots. And the cycle continues…

Here’s what this looks like more simplified:

Bots farm mats (Black Lotus, Plaguebloom, etc)
GDKP Raiders spend gold to buy mats from Bots
Bots sell gold to Player A
Player A uses gold they just bought to bid on items in GDKP Raid
GDKP Raiders walk away with lots of gold
GDKP Raiders spend gold on mats
and those mats were farmed by Bots…

The problem with the community isn’t bots. It’s players who are taking other players’ gold without question because it benefits them to do so. It’s like saying, “I’m not cheating. I’m just paid by those who do cheat.”

And people will excuse themselves from any fault by saying things like, “Hey, how am I supposed to know where the gold is coming from?!”

As if they weren’t going to accept a payout either way. Moreover, the Gehennas Server example with the 198,000g payout for Gressil shows that the people running GDKPs do NOT care about their community. They really only care about stocking their wallets. Every “normie” who is trying to play the game according to Blizzard’s rules is getting screwed by players who have switched to GDKP and Boosting as their primary sources of income.

Maybe on your server.


GDKPs are the best thing ever.

Funny OP doesn’t care about bots or gold sellers, which are the REAL problem.

People who hate on GDKPs but ignore adressing bots/gold sellers are just salty, jealous, gold poor losers.

The reason GDKPs are so popular is because it is quite literally the fairest loot system that exists.

No dumbasses leader doing “hard res” on all the good items, no corrupt loot council funnelling loot to their clique and e-girls, and if you don’t win anything, you get paid, which gives you a better chance at winning in the next run.

If I join your crappy soft res what do it get?

People leaving after their item doesn’t drop, me wasting gold on consumables and being putting in the negative for a slim chance at loot, zero raid accountability, the list goes on and on…

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I just love the irony.

What irony?

Banning GDKPs is a band-aid fix, you’re to stupid to realise that.

You think banning GDKPs means gold buying and bots will disappear overnight?

You’re absolutely clueless, treat the root cause of the disease instead of just putting band-aids on the symptoms.

If bots and gold selling was somehow eliminated from the game, people would still run GDKPs with the gold they earnt farming, GDKPs aren’t going anywhere moron.

Again, this is more about you being jealous other players are making gold and having fun in raid while your to jealous and stubborn to see the situation clearly.