Gdkp! boosts! carrys!

I don’t care what people do with their gold or time. But at this point, I am so sick of GDKP spam, carry spam, selling services spam and people talking about it, it’s nauseating to even log in.

I was on a smaller med pop server before being forced to move. We didn’t have these problems. I absolutely cannot stand this mega realm culture and people are so awful on these realms. It has completely ruined my experience. On top of that it seems well over half the population of Faerlina is spanish speaking. Why is this? I can’t understand spamish give them their own channels.

About to walk away from WoW all together at this point. It’s a mess, and the players make the experience of playing an MMORPG… VERY unfun.


The RMT Supporters Will Tell You:

  • Players need boosts because the only real game is end game

While Also Telling You:

  • Raiding isn’t worth it unless you are getting a payout cut at the end

It’s really not hard to see their gaslighting on the topic. It’s absurdly bad and makes zero sense(what do they need gold for if they despise playing the game?). What people can also clearly see is how GDKPs and RMT go hand in hand with boosting and every other anti-Classic degenerate behavior that seeks to skip over all the content in a mad rush to the finish line.

Blizzard really needs to ban GDKPs and start coming down on the RMTers. We are so far off the mark of “Classic” it’s wild how RMT latched onto a remake in such a big way.


I agree, I was forced onto a high pop server too, I never knew how many complete jerks play this game, if it was like this from the start I would have quit back in 2004.

The worst part is you have to become one of them to get anywhere in this stupid game.


Please stop sock puppeting and liking your own posts. Please.



Season of discovery sounds like the perfect version of wow for you!

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Leave chat channels - Problem Fixed.

Sounds like WoW is not for you. Find a new game.

Please be more xenophobic.

Sounds like a good plan.


Bye bye 1200 peak player. The game is not made for you. Teletubbies and minecraft is that way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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His whole thing is crying on the forums about GKPs don’t mind him


You know you can just turn off your chat right>


Go log into SOD and enjoy the portal selling spam


Ain’t that the truth.
Last time I was on SoD, there were soooooooo many it was crazy unreal.

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may I kindly have your stuff?

Just get the stop spam addon, easy.

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but thats your own lacking, its not even like learning languages is hard, I mean, english isnt even my native language.

The ‘muh communiteh’ angle was bad enough already, but dissing latins for free when they havent done anything to you is just bigotry. If reading words on a screen upset you, block or mute them and learn to use the filters in the chat window. Same with boost ads and so. LFG BB helps a lot to cut on the clutter and random nonsense.

You wont get to be the tone police for what is “spanish and service spam” and what is “fun community banter” so either adapt or leave.

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  1. If you don’t like GDKPs, don’t join them - it’s that simple. I don’t do GDKPs because they’re f*kin pointless lmao. why would I need to buy my way into a group if I could just be good at the game and kill bosses instead?

  2. WoW players are more or less the same on every realm (except whitemane that place is weird)

  3. half of faerlina is not primarily spanish speaking, that’s a wild statement they’re just advertising for their guild like anyone else. Stop spouting psuedo-racist garbage when they’re literally just typing in a public channel.

This game is an airport, no one cares where you’re going just leave please


There is an ignore feature. Seems like your problem is self inflicted.

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Gdkps are typically done by people who are running on alts not mains.

You do gdkps on alts so you don’t have to run Ms/os since it’s usually ran by lower skilled players who don’t check or have requirements for those raids and those groups suck.

It has nothing to do with I’m good why would I do gdkps and more to do I wanna raid more than my guild raids so I gdkp to get into much better pug groups.


Your whole thing is to rotate characters on the forums and simp for RMT

That’s a really short sighted and ignorant take. GDKPs are the main reason people RMT in Classic, which creates demand for bots, which tanks the economy for real players trying to make gold farming, which drives more people to GDKPs because it’s the only way to make worthwhile gold comparative to time investment.

That’s like saying “So what if people counterfeit money? You don’t have to take part in it.”. No one with any sense or honesty on the topic can say GDKPs are healthy for the game.


I mean if you have delusions like that you should probably call a shrink brother.

You might think there’s some grand conspiracy to discredit you because your head is too conceived to understand a simple point like, A you’re arguing against wow token but somehow never mention it and only yell about GKP and just seem to mald about non-existant skitz delusions you fumed up in your basement.

there are no GKPS in SOD and guess what it’s still botted and people buy stupid amounts of gold, i’ve pointed this out to you and the best you can do is change the subject and have a tantrum that I “called you a crybaby” and am and “ad hominem attacking name caller”

Bro with the least amount of respect, get help you’re pathetic lmao.


Come to grobb maybe. Hammered out 2 chars there a few hours last night.

No gdkp spam. Just the usual political drama, the now obligatory it seems CoC jokes (I didn’t make the acronym happen, Blizzard did lol), and callouts of alliance
Picking off people in say hyjal.