Please flag this as spam guys so we can get Elron out of here sooner rather than later.
That’s all this guy has done is spammed “GDKP GDKP GDKP” on these forums for months.
This is literally spam.
Please flag this as spam guys so we can get Elron out of here sooner rather than later.
That’s all this guy has done is spammed “GDKP GDKP GDKP” on these forums for months.
This is literally spam.
If the majority of the playerbase was Pro-GDKP and it was seriously affecting Blizzards revenue, Blizzard would’ve done something to address it much sooner. However, considering its been over a year with the GDKP ban in place in SoD, AND they brought it over to the fresh classic realms, it’s pretty obvious that the ban has been overall successful for them. At the end of the day, Blizzard cares about the bottom dollar, and if the GDKP ban was seriously affecting their subscription numbers, they would’ve reverted it a looong time ago. I know many people that raid in SoD that would like GDKP as they do it in every other version of the game, but they’ve continued to raid in SoD for its entirety.
The population has only been continuing to rise compared to last phase (you can check this from any population tracking website). These sites track it based on the amount of players going into raids, so either that means more players are coming back to the game, or theres an increased number of alts that players are running through raids, or both which would counter two of your big arguments as to how GDKPS are “killing the game”. Players are still coming back to the game even with the GDKP bans in place, and players are still creating alts and raiding with the bans in place. Those that truly want GDKPs back should be speaking with their subs.
Regardless of my view on GDKPS (which I personally am against), I’m still on board with them creating a single GDKP only server, because then all the players that truly want that type of gameplay can flock to that server, and all the bots will flock to those servers as well since thats where all the RMT will be at. Looking at it from the outside, if people truly want something done, then speak with your sub. If you’re still running GDKPs in Era/Cata Classic/Retail then that means you’re still subscribed, and Blizzard doesn’t care about your input on it since its been working for them, and they’re still getting your $15 a month (doesn’t matter if you’re subbing with WoWTokens or not either, because they’re still getting the money from someone buying that WoWToken).
Yeah, you can go to right now and see that SoD lost raiders on p6 release, and still hasn’t recovered to the last week of p5. After being relatively stable for MC and BWL. The second week of p5 had 86k players, we’ve been 66k and below since p6 launch. That looks like another 20k player loss btw. There’s no rise. Unless you want to count last week vs the 2 weeks where a lot of people didn’t raid due to holidays?
Yeah that’s why they don’t ban all the bots. It looks better to investors when they can say all these unique accounts log into their game every day and then half of them are bots. We aren’t allowed to have GDKP’s because a better game experience is less profitable for them than investors.
There’s no way to genuinely prove one way or another the GDKP ban was successful or a failure for the playerbase as a whole without Blizzard actually releasing their data, but if you don’t think that losing 110k raiders between the announcement date for the GDKP ban and the peak of P2 isn’t a massive drop off in player participation idk what to tell you.
No, this mentality is crazy to me. Its a new thread with 600+ replies… apparently players want to discuss. This report anything you don’t agree with crazy and gross.
Shut up WHINER BABY. No one is forcing you to read it. You’re lucky I don’t have the power of professor X bud you would know what REAL spam is…
because its not a massive drop off. its normal churn. those 110k would have left regardless. same with AQ40 drop off that’s been documented in era, som, and private servers aswell.
a large group always drops out pre 60, then a small drop off following MC then a large drop off post BWL. sods only different because of its pre60 phase actually having documentable raids. the only real outlier is phase 3 and that had nothing to with the loot system.
It’s a cascading effect. Let’s say 0 GDKPer’s actually quit completely because of the ban, just dropped their alts. If you go from 496k peak raiders to 327k peak raiders from one phase to the next, you’ve lost 169k raiders. That’s a huge drop off in weekly raids formed. Then the P3 crash, 327k peak all the way down to 37k before P4 came out. You’ve lost so many formed raid groups, that’s not “normal churn”. Normal churn is what we see from P4->P5. This is all cascading though, you go from dozens of raids at all hours to a trickle. We’re in P6 and they absolutely botched not only the release of the raid (wrong values and no loot for release raiders causing bricked ID’S, as well as the awful tuning and bugs) but the raid itself having 0 additional teleports in one of the longest raids in the game. The trash and many of the existing mechanics are at odds with the HM mechanics they added. It’s bad dude. This is likely going to be a phase more similar to the P3 crash in population.
And yet, can you be absolutely certain that P3 would have crashed and burned as hard as it did, if there had been GDKP’s? Do you really think, the population would have thinned out the way it did if people had still been heavily alt raiding up to that point?
yes, because the issues with phase 3 were the incursion driven xp/gold inflation, ST being a long boring raid, recycled meta gamed pvp content, the release of cata classic, and the devs basically going no contact for weeks. you essentially had an economic crisis, an unwanted directional change, a mini AQ effect, and an alternative game lauch happening all at once. had zero to do with the loot systems involved
in all honesty the first 2 issues would have likely been compounded furtherer by gdkp as players would have had to live in incursions to essentially pay their gdkp bids.
You have no access to their internal logs and information. You have no claim to speak for all the people that ARE PLEASED either. Just because they didn’t do what you want doesn’t mean they haven’t been listening. Swiper no swiping
It also suffered from the move from 10 man to 20 man, which would’ve been easier to stomach if more people had remained active on the game. Though the effect of incursions on the economy cannot be overstated. We’re still suffering from that mistake.
People might care about your opinion if you, and every other “person” who has a full mental breakdown when GDKP is mentioned, didn’t automatically call people who are pro GDKP swipers. Gold buying is cheating. Calling people cheaters with 0 proof just because they prefer a different loot system is a surefire way to make people ignore you.
Can we please just ban Elron again?
I cant get my BIS gear with VISA, PIPIPIPI…
Hello Elron. Still talking on other people’s behalf are we?