GDKP - Blizzards failure to listen to its playerbase

It’s clear by now that this policy change you made is being forced on us and in the beginning it was said if it didn’t work out it would be revisited.

There numerous players who are not happy with this policy and it has essentially ruined the way people “Choose” to play the game.

Not only that but blizzards willingness to help censor people who continue to provide feedback and discussion on the topic in hopes they are going to just disappear is not going to work.

You ruined SOD because of these poor decisions you ruined pvp and ranking and now your pushing these failed ideas into the anniversary realms as well.

It’s mindblowing that at this point you still continue to ignore player feedback even at the expense of your own playerbase.

GDKP Policy Failed

  • 1.It did not stop bots
  • 2.It did not stop rmt
  • 3.It it a lazy attempt and a bandaid fix to solving the rmt issues
  • 4.It caused players to quit the game
  • 5.It reduced player participation in raids
  • 6.It removed a player created way of making old content relevent when you do not need gear

RMT has been around from the beginning of the game you’ve continually failed to stop it the only difference is now you’ve started to make changes that indirectly impact legitimate players and how they play the game.

GDKP Encouraged

  • 1.Encouraged playing more than 1 character
  • 2.It allowed flexible raiding and pug groups to be more easily formed
  • 3.Made old content relevent when you no longer needed gear
  • 4.Rewarded you for your time raiding and gold at the end that could be used for alts/professions or anything else in game requiring gold.

Listen to player feedback and either provide a workable solution for players wanting to gdkp or consider making realms where it is allowed. People who do not like gdkp’s aren’t forced to participate in them and there preferences should not limit others.

I expect Blizzard to not censor this discussion and actively penalise users who abuse the report feature.

Yes, let’s take everything this guy says at face value. You can see players overwhelmingly support the gdkp ban.

I’m sorry you guys can’t afford dinners anymore

When the economy is ruined from people earning 5k gold a raid, they will have to gdkp as a way to keep up. Critical thinking isn’t a gdkpers strong point.


Where does that gold come from ? rmt and bots who’s responsible for stopping that the players or blizzard ? I’ll make it easy for you its Blizzards responsibility to stop rmt and bots.

Gold inflation is inevitable because it’s an infinite resource in the game you can farm as much of it as you want for as long as you want which means as the server ages more gold will be in circulation which means prices increase.

This happens regardless of gdkp’s and people still rmt gold for everything outside of gdkp’s whether its professions / 2-3k edgemasters / mounts or whatever else they want gold for.

Trying to limit gold in circulation isn’t a fix to gold inflation and its a weak arguement the reason sod’s economy was slighty better was because they made fundemental changes to the core base of the game e.g profession cooldowns with procs / resources being more avaliable / faster respawns on nodes etc etc these impacted the economy in a positive way.

Bots believe it or not are good for the economy because they go farm all the resources a lot of people wouldn’t which means more supply and more competition = better prices if you banned all the bots then you rely on players to farm things which once again means prices will be higher because less supply.

Making direct changes to how people are allowed to play the game as a solution to a problem as old as wow that exist in pretty much every online game is a lazy and bad way to tackle the problem.

GDKP exists with or without bots and rmt and the problem is blizzard failing to stop bots and rmt not gdkp’s always has been the case.


Gdkper saying bots are good for the economy.

These players are not good for the game. Continue to ignore them please blizzard


they listened to player feed back fine. the gdkp ban has been amazing and a net positive for SoD.


Elron on the crusade again I see.

I don’t think you’re gonna get what ya think ya want.

Why not come do some mythic raids in Retail Elron? Yah, know cutting edge stuff. Those raids are pretty darn tough I hear and you’d have to put in some real effort. Further, you’d be playing with the best in the world. Why not give something really tough a try?


How has it been amazing and a net positive?

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-removed a revenue stream from rmt
-uncommodified BoP gear
-devalued gold by limiting its purchasing power to the AH
-forced the carries to either find traditional gold farming methods, quit, or show their true RMT colors
-forced those being carried to get better at the game, quit, or show their true RMT colors
-improved the social aspect of the game by incentivizing people to join static groups/guilds
-convinced the toxic players who enjoy the playstyle to leave


RMT was more more prevailent after the gdkp ban in sod and still exists in all versions of wow.

People still sell carries for bop gear in every version of wow.

Gold is used outside of the AH e.g boe items , mounts , professions the list goes on gold is the main currency of the game its always going to be valuable unless you remove everything that requires gold.

So they still exist just circumvented the gdkp ban.

People argue that gdkp’s made people play better and complained they couldn’t get into them banning them isn’t going to force anyone to play better infact it encourages people to play worse because less incentives.

It killed the social aspect of the game because less players , less raids , less alts , less people from various guilds playing together = less social

Some quit because its not worth the time for a failed game others still play but are limited to how much they can enjoy the game because of people like you.

The only toxic players here are the people who want to force there way of playing on others.

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Doesn’t really matter since rmt is still a huge thing.

This was never a thing. Maybe if GDKP was the ONLY form of raiding you could use this as a point.

This is just false. People still sell boosts and people still can offer gold to someone who wins a roll over them. People still buying plenty of gold to afford all their expensive items.

Forcing good players to quit doesn’t sound like a positive to me.

Not everyone in bad gear was a carry. Many of them were just alts and still good players. And the bad players are still bad and are still getting carried.

This is an opinion. Pretending that there is no social aspect within the gdkp community is wrong. Also there are guilds that do full guild runs and use gdkp loot system.

This is another opinion that just proves you are biased against gdkps. Are there no toxic elitist guilds left now that gdkps are gone? Do you personally know everyone who hosted/attended gbids? And they were all “toxic”? Such a boaring over used word now a days.


Doesn’t really matter since rmt is still a huge thing.

absolutely matters now that this stream is closed blizzard can focus on the others. you cant prevent RMT without banning the revenue streams

This was never a thing. Maybe if GDKP was the ONLY form of raiding you could use this as a point.

If you can sell it for currency its a commodity. all forms of raid items sales are now bannable what are you talking about.

This is just false. People still sell boosts and people still can offer gold to someone who wins a roll over them. People still buying plenty of gold to afford all their expensive items.

devalue does not mean valueless. the purchasing power of gold has decreased because chase items are no longer purchasable. and yes, boosting for gold should be banned too ideally. item sales of BoP are included in the gdkp ban they are breakiung rules

Forcing good players to quit doesn’t sound like a positive to me.

if they cant farm gold without gdkp then they arent good players. if they dont have time to actually play the game then its to their benefit to just quit.

Not everyone in bad gear was a carry. Many of them were just alts and still good players. And the bad players are still bad and are still getting carried.

the alts are uneffect as they can do regular pugs. theres less incentive to carry them

This is an opinion. Pretending that there is no social aspect within the gdkp community is wrong. Also there are guilds that do full guild runs and use gdkp loot system.

a specific expection does not make the rule. most gdkps are public

is is another opinion that just proves you are biased against gdkps. Are there no toxic elitist guilds left now that gdkps are gone? Do you personally know everyone who hosted/attended gbids? And they were all “toxic”? Such a boaring over used word now a days.

no they arent. the toxic ones are the one exploiting the game systems and premoting rmt. i dont have a problem with gdkp in a void. i have a problem specifically because of the issues that arise from above. nor do i view the ban as a silver bullet solution. unfortunately you cant have gdkp because of these players.

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Pemmin is correct.

GDKP in a void is fine.

But it’s not.

With RMT it’s an active infection and Blizz did good to fight it.


Phase 1 with gdkp was the best. Could find a well run group at all hours of the day. And gear multiple alts. SOD would be thriving much more today if they didn’t make that change. Would love to see it reverted.


more cardswiper tears, love it


By that logic you need to remove all incentive to ever buy gold then. Ban all bots and boosters. Ban all aoe farmers. Make all profession items BoP and crafted with BoP mats that the crafter must farm. Remove BoE items from the game. Just remove gold from the game and make all items free at that point.

Has nothing to do with farming gold and everything to do with being more incentivized to do raids they have no reason to do.

They are affected because now they have to join a PuG with a bunch of BUMs who are essentially getting carried anyway.

Irrelevant. This just boils down the people who don’t like gdkp trying to control the way others play the game because they disagree with it.

Welp those players still exist either way so may as well just remove gold from the game. That is the only real way you will ever stop RMT. Blizzard doesn’t care and will never have an adequate staff that can do anything about it. All this does in punish people who enjoy gbids, even if they never did anything wrong.


Sometimes these pro-GDKP posts and the endless replies sound like something from one of those public opinion firms, out of Saint Petersberg or the Philippines or somewhere, hired to shape opinions and discourse.

I think Blizzard should never reinstate GDKP.

I think the vast majority of WoW players agree with that.


I think your wrong and they should revisit the policy like they said they would based on player feedback alternatively provide a option or server to allow people who do wish to participate in gdkp’s to be able to.

Your preference shouldn’t limit mine simple as that.


By that logic you need to remove all incentive to ever buy gold then. Ban all bots and boosters. Ban all aoe farmers. Make all profession items BoP and crafted with BoP mats that the crafter must farm. Remove BoE items from the game. Just remove gold from the game and make all items free at that point.

sounds like a decent suggestions to me

Has nothing to do with farming gold and everything to do with being more incentivized to do raids they have no reason to do.

them not attending raids is better than them helping to promote RMT and bad play

They are affected because now they have to join a PuG with a bunch of BUMs who are essentially getting carried anyway.

yes, they have to play the game this is intended they can screen out the bums like normal pugs do.

Welp those players still exist either way so may as well just remove gold from the game. That is the only real way you will ever stop RMT. Blizzard doesn’t care and will never have an adequate staff that can do anything about it. All this does in punish people who enjoy gbids, even if they never did anything wrong

again sounds like a decent suggestion. and yes, blizzards ineptitude is the biggest issure we are in agreement here. if they were more effective then maybe gdkp could be a think but they arent so thats the reality of the situation.

I wanna link that En Vogue song: Never Gonna Get It.

Never gonna get it,
Never get it…

While I may be wrong, maybe Blizz does go crazy and allow it. I don’t think I am, so I doubt that happens. And I think most players are very pleased Blizz came to it senses and banned GDKP from these versions (and hopefully all others to come).

Most players are very unpleased with the gdkp ban.

See what i did there ?