GDKP - Blizzards failure to listen to its playerbase

The GDKP tears are delicious, keep them coming card swipers.


Biggest joke that has come out of sod is thinking that the gdkp ban has had any real impact on RMT or bots.

All it did was kill the pug raid scene, drive players to join guilds (the best result of the ban), and made the sweats play less alts.

No swipers quit the game or stopped swiping because of the gdkp ban. They just continued to swipe. Every phase has had significant player power that swipers just bought with gold.

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That’s like your opinion man…

This is literally all anyone needs to know about you.

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Literally more pugs going and more accessible to every day players.

Gdkpers think we don’t play the game? They are the ones that don’t want to play.

Imagine if they could buy every item in the game with said bought gold :thinking:

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Not to mention (unless the tokens literally don’t drop ie no mage/priest/warlock tokens) a fresh 60 can get 5+ Pieces of T1 in a single MC run. For Free mind you. If GDKP’s were a thing they would have to pay 50g+ per tier piece.

Reals are better incentives for players to keep pugging the non-current raid tiers because you can spend them on Toys, Cosmetics, Reagents, or boxes that may or may not have expensive items inside.

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GDKP is for payers not players. Good on Blizz for actually banning the rot that it is.


I do miss hosting GDKPs on my many alts for BFD :smiley:
One of them is still level 25, just don’t play alts anymore really.
All it did was kill the alt fun.

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you’re not getting GDKP.


This game would be thriving way more than it is if they didn’t make that change

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How was SoM doing at this stage?


Imagine not having the brain capacity to know the differences between SOM & SOD …

Yet you don’t have the brain capacity to see the decline in every classic server?

Or is that only the case when it suits your argument? Almost asif that’s exactly what I’m doing ironically?

Elron, I thought you were smarter than this. You’ve lost your edge with your forum break.


No point spending time on someone who isn’t smart enough to see the gdkp ban decimated sod’s playerbase.

Easier to just mute cya friend :slight_smile:

Wasn’t the GDKP ban reusing the SoM raid changes did a number. So many pugs just cant to seem to get past Firemaw with 0 affixes in BWL for example (I’ve cleared it on Black Affix with my guild).

Furthermore what also happened until recently is alot of players didn’t want to play alts because they would need to grind the runes. Which isn’t the case anymore since you can get them all for 1 copper and is why SoD is seeing a resurgence in players.

New and Returning SoD players are also surprised that, thanks to 30 Reals from MC, they can easily get nearly a full set of T1 gear for free because people who are geared to the Teeth are running MC for the Reals.

If GDKP’s were in SoD New and Returning players would not be getting so much MC gear for free they would need to pay 50g+ per item.

The way raiding is right now and the pug seen is great and healthy without GDKP’s.

There is no resurgence homie. is based off log data, if more people were raiding it would be climbing. Using phase peak population, SoD lost 169k raiders between P1 and P2. 142k between P2 and P3. And another 110k between P3 and P4. It’s been between 75k and 55k for the last ~6 months. Losing all of your alt/multi character raiders (gdkp ban), alongside people not wanting to alt in the first place (runes sucked to farm), on top of atrocious pvp balance. People gave up.

Not everyone logs. Only 2 of the 12 MC H1 runs I did the past 4 weeks ran logs.

These were 30 to 40 players btw too.

The majority of the raid scene is still guilds. Guilds log. The pug scene on WG NA ally is dead. Peak hours 1-2 groups forming. And the group quality is just as bad as the scenes livelihood.

LOL I’m on Alliance Wild Growth thats total bull.

I literally sat in IF last week and stared at LFG with everything enabled, including world bosses. There were 2 groups forming for an hour, 6pm. That was it.

Could be that they just aren’t forming in peak hours because that’s when people are raiding AQ.

I will admit 7 of the MC runs I did of the 12 happened 2pm EST to 5pm EST.

Also use LFG bulletin board and the LFG tool in game. Alot of people are still using LFG chat to make groups.