This is a tough one. The amount of gold botted and the amount people are willing to spend inflates the prices of GDKP significantly. If they focused on gold bots and gold buying then GDKP prices would be more reasonable. On the other hand if they removed GDKP then people would have less reason to buy gold.
I don’t particularly like GDKP myself it feels cheesy. This is just a personal take though and I tend not to run them. My unbiased take on them below.
With this system, the more time you spend in WoW the more money you earn the more loot you get, so it definatly suits those with more time on their hands (if you eradicated or reduced gold buying to levels where its no longer viable at least).
With all that being said the system works. It gives people an opportunity to gear up, and those already geared a reason to continue running content, this includes raids, 5 mans and even outside content as you have multiple ways to make gold.
The system keeps people “playing” the game. It also works as its own catch up mechanic as quite a few GDKP will take fresh characters, so instead of farming 5 man dungeons for weeks on end before you can raid you can enter raids fairly quickly even if you only intend to bid on one or two items, it would still get you in the door and getting the other things like frost badges ect.
It would be better if Bliz took this system and implemented as an option in the game itself to prevent the ninja looters.
Eg: As an item drops you bid on it and the pot gets held and then split between those left at the end of the roll. If you lose the bid you get your bid + your share of the split at the end of each auction. They could allow the raid leader to set minimum bids per item.
No, that’s a band aid fix and you can keep saying that about GDKP but until you provide proof, no one will ever care… truly.
You need to either get rid of every avenue or accept the fact that RMT isn’t going to stop. Permabanning them is nice, but they’ll just get another sub and go again.
and do you have proof that it goes against TOS? What part of the TOS?
The idea that the overwhelming majority of people that are hit with a permanent ban are simply going to create a brand new account and do it again (risking an entirely new ban) goes against pretty much all we know about human behavior and risk assessment where any decent amount of sunk-cost exists.
If blizz put out a blue post informing the population that this is their new policy, something close to 95% of all gold buying would stop immediately. Of the remaining portion that risks it all and are caught, the majority would not simply turn around, start over and repeat.
The now miniscule, negligible gold buying population doesn’t warrant a meaningful botting community because it is no longer profitable.
What does it cost to play classic? A subscription? You don’t have to have the current expansion. What really is lost? A little bit of time in a game? So they level to 25 again… oh my! I don’t think you know much about human behavior either if you think people aren’t willing to risk very little to enjoy something their way.
You go ahead and get the multi-billion dollar company to cater to a side project and get all the bots and RMT out of there that they make money on. Sure.
What’s not going anywhere? RMT. Never will as long as there is demand and blizzard can make money off of it. You can argue about human nature all you want, you don’t seem to know people because the demand is there and hasn’t slowed down.
Do you believe everything people tell you? Sure they ban bot accounts, they just make another and do it again because their is profit in it and you think that scares buyers away?
My initial point, every time, has been to BAN BUYERS to destroy the market. Bots exist because the gold buying market is healthy. Therefore, to truly target the bots, you must target the market.
I know for a fact that players have had their accounts banned for a few days for being reported for GDKP’s. According to the community contract players can police their servers as they see fit. We report GDKP’s and Blizz is taking action as evidenced by the p2w kiddos tears in general chat and these very forums.
Remember all thieves, or those with deviant behaviors, justify their actions with all types of mental gymnastics convincing themselves their actions are justified. In fact prisons across the world are filled with these types.
and it isn’t even a large percentage of players that buy gold either, So it isn’t like Blizzard would be missing much in terms of their monthly subscriptions. .
I’m not gonna continue going back and forth with a naive fanboy who believes blizzard is going to do anything about RMT or the buyers… it’s not going to fix anything banning the buyers and I’m not delusional enough to believe so.
Speaking on reading issues! Good job showing me your inability.
I’ve addressed those, but you are clearly having issues with sight or mind. There is no way anyone with more than 1 brain cell can’t see that they’ve been addressed by me on multiple occasions.
It’s been fun but you aren’t attempting to have a discussion, you just want an echo chamber of toadies. Good day to you little buddy.