GDKP: Ban or no ban? (Should GDKP be against the TOS?)

y not both

Because using in game currency for in game items seems like it should always remain legal.

Do you not use in game currency for in game items anyway?

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If it’s all legally obtained, sure.

Except you know that’s not what is actually happening with GDKP. On a very large scale. Larger than the scale at which RMT gold is accrued through any other means, by a factor not even measurable.

You know that. I know that. We all know that, so why pretend like you can just zero sum the argument of GDKP like this?

It’s a complicated subject, sure. Like many things. When leadership says “We’re going to reduce crime in this neighborhood!”, they likely have multiple ways in mind to reduce it, not one single action that will single-handedly kill off crime forever and make criminals non-existent.

They do small things with big impacts first.

Since, by your claim, Blizzard will not ban botters or RMTers…what then becomes the most effective ways to deter buying? Obviously the answer is to reduce the encouragement systems that get people to do it a lot and hope they do it less.

I can’t think of something that would quite influence this goal even remotely as much as making GDKP not allowed.


Thats not what actually happens with all things that involve gold, thats all we are saying.

There is no argument, there is rmt with EVERYTHING.

Youre right, ban the AH.

Ban the AH.

I mean this is all irrelevant anyway, Blizzard stance is gdkps are fine and i doubt they are going anywhere.

We are talking about the same company that has people openly fly hacking.

Let’s say you can’t ban all the things because doing so would hurt innocent gameplay, right?

If you had to pick one thing that would hurt innocent players the least and harm RMT encouragement the most…would it not be GDKP?

The game doesn’t need GDKP to exist, we know that. Everything else the game was designed to actually have as part of its actual gameplay loop, such as the AH, etc. GDKP is not a part of that collection of systems, and simultaneously is also the worst offender of promoting RMT.

It’s easily the first on the chopping block, that least affects innocent gamers.


I disagree because id be 1 of the people thats affected.

That’s not abnormal to dislike change, but your desire to ignore the health of the game in favor of your own personal enjoyment doesn’t exactly make for a substantive debate on what is better for the health of the game.

All said and done, Blizzard may never do a thing about GDKP anyway, so I think you’re safe, but we can all at least acknowledge a hypothetical reality in which if GDKP were eliminated, it would most definitely improve the state of RMT (as in, reduce its prominence by an amount that greatly surpasses getting rid of any other way RMT gold changes hands, like the AH or trading).

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I dont think it would reduce it at all, it would just be more behind the scenes.

You associate gdkps as bad so when you see spam in your face for gdkp you auto assume its bad, thats what you have been trained to do.

Its more like does a falling tree in the forest make a noise if you arent there to hear it.

RMT will be in the same exact place as it currently is if GDKP is removed. All it’s going to do is give piece of mind to the people who THINK it’ll make a difference.

In my opinion, even eliminating coins completely will not stop RMT, which can be shown by giving you upgrades or duplicating equipment, and they will still exchange money outside of the game. The threshold is created, and the results still do not eliminate the RMT problem. When people exchange things with each other, I think it’s a step back in civilization. This kind of thinking is regressive.

GDKPs are poison.
in a perfect world, they would be great.

In reality they inflate everything & incentivize goldbuying and botting.

How many players dont join and raid with guilds because they can swipe?
It degrades the community and classic experience.


I’m nodding my head and smiling, 100% believe people actually think this.

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Well according to my in game notifications on my reports being actioned on, it’s banned lol.

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had to go into the wayback machine for this post

No lol, that’s not. You know what buddy, yea sure that’s what those auto notifications pop ups mean. You got em.

Yes, we know you profit off of GDKP and RMT.

Dont we all?

GDKPers more so.

So youre a hypocrite because you think you profit off rmt the right amount?


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I’m not the one participating in the main source of RMT in the game.

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