GDKP: Ban or no ban? (Should GDKP be against the TOS?)

My gold status: Loaded.

from a site rhyming with b q b straight to your mailbox

dont care
ban gdkps

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I guess Blizz could remove direct trading or mailing of Gold unless it’s between toons on your own account. Limit Gold transactions to the AH or Vendors. That would remove GDKP’s.

A change like that would of course be felt by Enchanters (but that’s solved by adding Vellums) and Rogue’s opening Lock Boxes ( I have no clue how to make that work). I’m not sure what else.

No token in SoD yet…but

Blizz loves GDKP, they are in the gold selling business as well.

What Blizz would probably like to do is put every loot table in the cash shop. Money Money Money

The backlash would be to great tho.

GDKP does not = gold buying, if you think people are magically going to stop doing RMT because GDKP isn’t “allowed” then enjoy the bubble you are in.

Might as well make it against TOS to make 5-man RFK groups and farm BOEs all day and sell them for high prices on the AH too, and delete the entire mage class, and not let players leave the borders of any zone above level 25.

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Except GDKPs are the primary incentive for RMT in modern WoW.

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sounds like someone who buys gold and is butt hurt

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GDKP is the easiest vehicle for gold buyers to use the RMT gold. Banning GDKPs would limit buyers to BOEs in the AH. It would also make all gold sellers / Buyers to force their transactions out into the light of day making it easier to track and ban. Banning GDKPs would drastically reduce the demand for gold, reduce the number of gold buyers making bots less profitable. It won’t remove RMT completely but it would make a huge dent.

There’s 3 sides to this massive problem.

  1. Bots are farming insane amounts of gold
  2. Sellers and buyers are RMTing gold
  3. They use their gold in GDKP spreading the gold and inflating the price of everything on the server.

You argue for this process because you are benefiting and are literally blinded by the glint of your pile of gold. Just like a Big Tobacco exec claiming cigarettes are not a problem.

I am hopeful, Blizzard will take a stance and do the right thing one day.


I’ll just say the only thing I report is GDKP advertisements. When reporting I state the reason as “advertising GDKP in chat”. I have received multiple messages from Blizz via mail thanking for reporting. Until I see a blue post or get communication from Blizz directly I will continue to report and hope that those advertising GDKP’s are banned. I’m sure Blizz will let me know if my actions are untoward or against the ToS.

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I think you’re kind of missing the point.

To borrow an earlier-used analogy:

You are essentially a health-conscious CEO of a cigarette company who doesn’t smoke, but refuses to say they’re bad for your health (or maybe even says they’re “fine”) because you’re making boat loads of money off of people buying them.

You may not ever buy gold, but a large (if not most) portion of the gold you own (assuming you religiously frequent GDKP groups) is most likely to be RMT’d. You are benefitting from RMT and the feedback loop keeps bringing you back for more and more, you likely know that but feverishly maintain your own personal sense of innocence because you personally don’t buy it.

Put it this way: if someone straight bought gold from a botting website, and then gave a friend a portion of it…is the receiver not coopting with the process of RMT? They didn’t buy it themselves, but that’s because someone else did for them.

That’s essentially what GDKP does for you. You are, without any of the “washing” and masking that GDKP provides, essentially participating in RMT no less than anyone buying the gold straight off a website, while telling yourself that you’re clean for some reason, when you’re obviously not by extension.

If you’re okay with all that, then that’s one thing, but you might as well own it.

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GDKP comes pretty close.

Same as the guy who farmed herbs and sold them on the AH?

Same as the guy who flips the AH?

Wow almost like no matter what you do with gold it can have RMT tied to it…

No it doesnt.

Paying 2 win is buying items you cant get without spending real life money.

big money spenders smh

Correct, but this is discussion exists on a spectrum and is not hinged on a black and white outlook.

The conversion of real money > gold is a vast, vast, vast, absolutely-massively-vastly more efficient process when done through GKDP. Eliminating GDKP (hypothetical, as we all acknowledge this would be difficult in practice) would be an extremely effective step towards reducing RMT encouragement, compared to other means, but it’s a staggering vector (it’s high).

What you’re saying is basically that we shouldn’t have laws because some people will continue to break them, and I don’t really subscribe to that manner of thinking.

It’s about making moves that create progress, not doing nothing unless your move is 100% unilaterally effective.

Banning bots and RMTers seems to be impossible for blizz so maybe banning GDKPs is the best they can do. In a perfect world GDKPs would be fine, obviously this ain’t a perfect world… so banning them is a pretty obvious ez W. GDKPs are a huge incentive to RMT, if you couldn’t buy BIS items demand for gold would be drastically less!

As for the weirdo freaks trying to say GDKPs and RMT aren’t linked they’re just delusional or enjoy trading their WoW gold for forum gold :slight_smile: !


No one is saying that, we are saying that all gold is tied to RMT.

The AH being the most obvious.

We do have laws, blizzard doesnt enforce them.

So your stance is to change the laws in a harder way to enforce.

Make it make sense

That’s your opinion.

We’ve never seen them try to put GDKP against TOS/ban GDKP yet so there’s really no actual evidence to support the idea that eliminating (or trying to) GDKP wouldn’t be in/effective, but there’s plenty great rationale that it would have an impact.

Your argument essentially boils down to “it won’t work”, which is circular.

Yes it is.

My argument is they need to ban bots and rmt, its been 88 years.