GDKP Ban Lifted

How can you be sure the raiders in your non GDKP didn’t benefit from RMT? Wouldn’t the upgrades, consumables, and other power increases in the raid be contributing to your success as well?


Room temp IQ can neither process sarcasm or hyperbole.


Because a restaurant that sells a meal to a drug dealer isn’t morally equivalent to a restaurant that is paid to launder money for the cartel.


How so? If you know the money is dirty isn’t that still immoral? Does the matter in which you accept it really matter at that point? Both of your situations have either a good or service being rendered with payment from illegal funds.

If I have a Gut Ripper drop and I sell it on the AH for 2k gold, should I not be a bit suspicious of those funds?

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Never been banned, never ran a GDKP in SoD either, but I did in WOTLK and i enjoyed it. Most of the false positive bans are from people selling BOEs on the auction house for the price they go for, or mailing gold to alts or second accounts, or paying guildies for consumes, but you’re so obsessed with GDKPs that youll never admit that.


A lot to do with gold buying though.


I’d love to see some concrete proof. I really would. I ran with the same 50-100 people (a GDKP guild) through all of WOTLK and not a single one of them was ever suspended or banned for gold buying because, news flash, none of them bought gold. Im sure there are players who buy gold and use it to GDKP, but most people who GDKP are just normal dudes. Yall are just so blinded by obsession/hatred that you can’t see things any other way.


You literally just replied in all caps like 2 mins ago, if anyone has room temp Iq it’s you.


Taiwan is the Republic of China, while China is the People’s Republic of China.

WoW left PROC / Mainland China, but still exists within the ROC/ Taiwan


It’s crazy that they continue to make the mistake of listening to the vocal minority of 12 year olds on forums.

How, in God’s name, have they not learned by now?


this mans is doing a tripple handstand back handspring roundoff split leap mid air splits in his mind to try to justify the morality of directly participating in gold selling/buying activities. oh lawd


Guess I have to go solo self found if I want to be an “ethical gamer”.



One method used in wotlk was/is putting the bought gold into a guild’s bank and then other players grab it.

Can’t assume that the people pulling out gold know it’s RMT…or that’s the logic.

Please don’t play stupid. Everyone knows that GDKPs were filled with RMT.


this can be a true statement while also arguing that 95% of their gold was obtained through GDKP, through people who bought gold.

like bro you can’t argue that you’re doing GDKP with gold you legitimately earned if the overwhelming majority of your gold was obtained through running GDKP and getting a pot at the end consisting of gold purchased through RMT.


Because I make people look like fools. If you participate in the AH, you participate in RMT according to some of these folks logic.

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Show me ANY concrete evidence that that is the case or ever has been, other than “source: trust me”. I would love to see proof.


Maybe a couple of players but most raiders in a GDKP come out net positive, thus it’s a gold farm.

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You referenced a message stating that banning gold buying would lead to the starvation of millions and the destabilization of geoeconomic politics thinking it was serious.

Probably because it’s not far off from your own 80iq opinions.


That’s in Taiwan, not here. Pack your bags I guess.


Why do only we have to show proof? And what do you want for proof? Insider Blizzard data? Eye witness accounts?

Trust me bro, GDKPs are completely legit…

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