GDKP Ban isnt working because

Oh it would be fun if they would release it, but they won’t. That’s a no win proposition for them.

It would be fun watching people misinterpreting, misrepresenting, or straight up ignoring it and continuing to argue for the position they already hold.

All this evidence and facts and you cannot critically think.

There are more google searches because the gold sellers can’t sell directly during gdkps to the raiders over discord.

They no longer have an avenue where they can contact people directly who will need huge amounts of gold.

It’s hurting them. Just look at how many of these threads start up a day.

You are literally crying right now

This is one of the most cope fueled comments I’ve seen to date

Compared to the latter?


Buying gold takes 3 clicks. It’s not harder to sell anything lmao it’s way easier

There are way more avenues to do so now

its both

lol, dishonest and mean spirited. You said you joined GDKPs, by your logic that is a confession to RMT

Whats the point of the conversation? The post title is “GDKP ban isnt working because”, so whatever semantical nonsense you want to play doesn’t detract from the fact the conversation is about having gdkps in the game or not. Unless your goal is to mindlessly argue about it in the vacuum of the forums… oh, I see now that’s exactly all you aim to achieve

Toddler logic

thats not what it says in the anniversary blue post

You should read more blue posts

I followed your logic that all gdkp’ers buy gold, you did a gdkp that makes you a gold buyer. If it sounds dumb thats on you.

Its not working, thats not the same thing as asking for it back. Are you okay?

Still have to lie and insult because your ideas/thoughts are bad

Used to take 0 as they would sell directly in the gdkps.

So it was easier back then

It sounds like basic deduction is far beyond your abilities. No one said that, and you need to characterize my argument that its easier to argue against instead of reading what I said. More equivocating nonsense from the :clown_face:

It is, though, because what is the alternative to the ban? There isn’t some other option. Another dishonest, poorly thought out argument trying to use semantics instead of getting to the true point.

Very hard to believe you are capable of this after talking.

Things aren’t bad because you don’t understand them

arguing in bad faith. websites reach a larger player pol than a discord with 200 ppl

Crying so hard over all the gold I make selling boosts.

Blizzard would have been better off keeping GDKP and banning mage boosts but that’s a whole other can of worms.

Oh yeah there was only 1 gdkp discord.

These gold sellers aren’t too bright

Yeah having to play the game. Was much easier when you could just raid.

No more tears, only dreams now

arguing in bad faith (cont.)

majority of players get their gold from the gold selling websites

Cant tell you how much RMT gold i made on the auction house by selling leather

wasn’t 10k.

Phase 1 was 10k, a little more tbh

“people are complaining about a policy they don’t like therefore i’m right” is not an argument :expressionless: