It’s not a tin foil hat theory, its literal fact from talking to anti gdkp’ers since wrath. If you find an honest one they always admit that all the good players alts being in gdkp’s makes their pugs worse and they don’t like that.
I don’t care at all, I think rmt’ers should be perma banned but I can honestly say nothing in about RMT has ever risen to the level of “caring”.
Yeah, people who are buying gold to pay for consumes will probably stop buying gold and do a gdkp every week on their alt.
This is exactly what i’m talking about, you can’t come up with any evidence or real reason to support your thinking, so you try to just paint anyone who disagrees with you as an RMT’er. Try to defend your position without lying or insulting and you’ll see how bad it is.
I mean try and discredit that person, the point remains fair. Anecdotes about the people you know buying “more than ever” doesn’t change the fact that GDKPs were a mechanism for RMT to exist.
Whether it’s impact on the overall issue of RMT is substantial is another debate, but trying to reinstate them under the poor logic of “its not doing much” doesn’t hold much weight.
Maybe it was arguably the easiest step to take, with little to no effort required for resources, but claiming it had no impact is wrong. I can give you my anecdotes about people who dont RMT anymore and arent suffering from the supposed lack of structure in raids with no GDKPs
I know five guilds on my server who have gold farmers catering purely to the raiders in those guilds. I didn’t hear of this during tbc or wotlk. Or classic 2019.
So then why reinstate it at all? If there was any kind of impact, surely that is net positive? You even agree with the points being made in the original post, confusing
You just have no good logic to grapple with, this is just dogpiling of clowns trying to make bad faith arguments for bringing back gdkps when they did have an impact (people stop buying gold to participate in them) and that somehow reverting this is anything other than a thinly veiled argument to have another place for p2w.
What logic? There is no evidence to support your ideas and all you do is lie and insult people who don’t agree with you.
I’ve been doing gdkp’s for a very long time and haven’t even bought a token. If you have never done a gdkp how do you know?
I never said that, its also impossible to be p2w when the loot is a reward for winning, not winning itself. I’ve long thought that the anti gdkp’ers are super loot obsessed to the point of only playing for that, its a very unhealthy way to play vanilla of all things.
Then explain how my logic is flawed, or give some evidence rmt has slowed down at all.
Heres a reddit post showing that google trends for gold buying was on the same level as 2019 launch despite having a fraction of the population and gdkp’s being banned.
The only thing that has ever been done to actually curve gold buying from bots was introducing the wow token.
Banning gdkp’s to slightly reduce the overall RMT while taking no other actions like perma banning gold buyers, or investing even 1 cent into better bot detection or in game GM’s is bad.
While I wasn’t a fan of them, a lot of players preferred that loot system.
If anniversary realms weren’t rampant with bots and every single semi-hardcore guild/discord openly talking about how they all buy gold to afford consumes, boe’s, boosts, etc., there wouldn’t be an argument.
We don’t have data so all I have is anecdotal experience. And in my experience, more people buy gold and I see more bot activity on anniversary realms than any version of classic wow I’ve ever played that had gdkp’s.
You and I both know that not a single player that bought gold before the ban stopped buying gold after the ban. Some of them buy a little less now.
The second part is bad. The first part is good. A reduction is still a reduction.
Yeah, no one is arguing that some players don’t prefer to buy their gear with illegal gold, and that some players like getting that illegal gold second hand. It’s just that those players don’t matter and Blizz shouldn’t cater to them.
One big problem with no GDKP is people aren’t creating healer alts. Everyone knows warriors are very expensive to gear in GDKP’s so they roll healer alts for easy raid invites and they funnel the money back to their main class. This means more raids happen on the server which is overall good for people even if they don’t like GDKP.
GDKP also spreads out the gold bought from RMT to the general inflation in the economy. Inflation is still a bad thing but at least with GDKP it’s even. Right now there is a circle where the gold sellers sell to people who buy black lotus and consumes who then sell it back to the swipers making it very difficult for regular people to afford anything.
You’re only proving my point posting in yet another gdkp thread made by a character with 0-5 posts who then promptly vanished. Although he most likely didn’t vanish; he’s in here posting on a different character.
The argument is full of points (mentioned by blizzard, by others), but you just dont acknowledge them as valid so you claim there is no argument. You should try to make your point with resorting to insulting people and lying
I have, they are full of people who partake in RMT. You get a cut of the gold, some of which has been through RMT.
I never said RMT has slowed down, I have said your argument (to re-instate GDKPS) is very poor because there is no reason to bring them back. You are saying to bring them back because it had no impact, but it did, and you ignore that by observing how bad RMT has gotten in general, like thats a valid comparison.
That’s not the argument being made. The argument being made is there is no reason to reinstate them, for the reasons given by Blizzard and speculation by others.
How does re-instating GDKPs in any way at all help the RMT issue get better? I could argue that with GDKPs it would be even worse. Imagine yet ANOTHER reason for people to buy gold. GDKP is one of them
But it hasn’t, because its not 2019 right now, this is a second launching of fresh, classic didnt begin with megaservers, etc. Times are different so I don’t think using the fact that overall RMT was lower at the same we had GDKPs is a valid argument. People still bought gold to buy things in GDKPs, they cant do that now