GDKP ban in Cata classic

This is why I hate the logic behind anti-gdkp players.

I don’t gold buy so I have to be broke, no my guy, you just suck at making gold.


I see a year later this troll is still here, up to 11k posts I see, what an absolute nerd. How’s it feel to lose btw? We got RDF, so there goes about 5k of your posts wasted right there fighting us.



Hence why I said “pretty much” not “literally”. I was in a Heroic queue as a healer for over an hour the other day on my fresh 80 and gave up. Yes, theyre accessible, but people dont queue for it, making it pointless.

And please explain to me how you get Gamma ready on a fresh 80 toon with dead heroics and only 500 gold. And please dont say pure pvp gear or entering gammas at the minimum requirement of only 4k gs, because we all know you’d likely be kicked for that.

You absolutely can blame GDKPs as part ofthe reason. Because of GDKPs a good chunk of the playerbase reach larger amounts of gold with ease, making it easier for them to buy crafted gear without a second thought. This is basically a standard routine for anyone Ive spoken to when they have a fresh 80 alt. Its common knowledge. And I say GDKP is part of the problem, not all.

You absolutely cannot deny that GDKPs are simply bad for the health of the game, whatever your argument might be. It simply has more downsides, that cant be denied. The biggest of the downsides, driving up RMT by a substancial amount.

Do you disagree with anything within the last paragraph above?

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No, shut up and go away.

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Easy, you finish questing in Northrend. You net 15k. You then use the 15k to buy the mats and have the crafted gear made.

Oh yeah it is definitely easier for anyone with a previous toon to buy BoEs. It is always going to be harder on someone with their first toon. That is to be expected and GDKPs have nothing to do with that.

People act helpless… but the truth is they don’t want to do what has to be done… by everyone at one point.

Though I suppose with the WoW Token being in the game that isn’t exactly the case anymore.

Sigh… this fallacy?

No, GDKP has a net neutral on the state of the game. It doesn’t drive up RMT by any substantial amount with the soul except of the handful of people that choose to drop 1 mil+ gold on a singular item. That it is so minuscule it would be disregarded as an anomaly in data. The rest of the people get their gold through the GDKP itself. They don’t need to RMT… why would someone with 500k RMT? No one ever seems to answer that question.

Second GDKPs as a whole has kept the alt and raiding scene more alive then it otherwise would be. As a majority of people wouldn’t suddenly start doing SRs or MS > OS… they just wouldn’t have the alt. Hell… SoD is a huge example of this. They banned GDKPs and their raid numbers went down…

These downsides people spout don’t exist or simply aren’t connected in the way they think they are because they don’t understand the situation.

Ultimately the only thing the banning of GDKPs would do is…

…A smaller amount of PuG raids.
…A lot less alts
…The prices of things increasing! (surprise this is the big one people miss… )
… The increase in “dead” realms.
… Increase in complaints about people dropping mid-run.

The only thing bad for the health of the game is putting arbitrary restrictions on the player base that don’t solve or affect the underlying issue you are attempting to solve by restricting the players.

The solution has been and will always be to hire GMs to ban the botters. Blizzard and now Microsoft by extension will not do that. They will keep relying on automated detection to do the work for them. Which simply doesn’t catch them fast enough,

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You should ask if blizzard could merge the RDF queue for your realm (Oceanic i guess) with US realm.
It’s more about population issue than any other reason. I should remind you that SoD release also hit WoTLK.
By the way, 5 hours and 500g is exactly what i need to get gamma ready for a fresh 80 toon. Just did it (again) two days ago on a new 80 toon.

It would be amazing if Blizz banned GDKPs in Cata. Combine that with harsher punishments on gold buyers/sellers and quicker bans on bots/sellers and RMT will be more hassle and risk than it is worth.

RMT has been a rot on Classic and GDKPs are the cause of it. Don’t let the chronic posters on here gaslight you otherwise, it’s pretty plain to see for anyone being honest about the game.

The people on here gaslighting about GDKPs are either:
A) Gold sellers
B) Gold buyers
C) Lazy and don’t want to farm gold


Its 2024 no one is interested in herbing and mining a majority of the player base has responsibilities irl and when you pair gdkp ban with high cost consumes you get people buying gold just to raid. I know a bunch that instead of buying gold for gear now buy gold for consumes.

Also I like to raid on numerous characters and the only two good forms of raids are master looter guild runs or gdkps. Sr runs or ms os roll runs are an absolute cancer on the game.

With gdkp im able to log on the game and only do what i actually enjoy doing which is raiding. Also most wrath players gdkp and the huge community that i know would all quit if gdkp was banned and a majority of them dont even buy gold its a very small minority maybe 1 to 3 people in a 25 man raid.

Then they shouldn’t be playing WoW if they are that busy. Farming is part of the gameplay loop. The excuse of “I’m too busy to farm” is just that, an excuse. They do have the time to farm, they’re just lazy. The same people that say that will spend 40+ hours a week raiding across multiple toons to earn gold in a GDKP. That excuse is weak and a lie.

And you prove my point right here.

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Its almost like i get to play the game how i want and you get to play the game how you want but it sounds like you are trying to control how others play the game.

Tell me how gdkp and people doing it affect YOU negatively other than ruining your hope of wanting others to be as miserable as you are.

Farming is a part of the gameplay loop. You are just lazy making excuses. The “I can play how I want” doesn’t extend to people supporting RMT. If you can’t farm or don’t have the time to then maybe WoW isn’t for you. If you want to buy progress in a game there are plenty of mobile games and other Activision products that allow you to do so. Paying to skip content in an MMO devalues that content. It also devalues your achievements and everyone else’s. Learn some impulse control and the ability to delay gratification, it will get you further in life than the attitude of “I want it now!”.

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No farming is not part of the game play loop, there are plenty of games where farming isn’t required just like farming in retail isn’t required or necessary if you want to farm go play palworld or minecraft

Farming is still part of the gameplay loop in retail. It’s a gameplay loop for all MMOs

Your gaslighting is bad and you should feel bad about it.

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gdkp is another option for players to get their gear and incentives good players as they can make a lot of gold.

So your solution is… do the thing Blizzard should be doing… but ban GDKP to because I don’t like them?

Guess we should ban PuG entirely if we are banning things people don’t like just cuz

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If you think you don’t get to see raid content because of GDKPs you are deluded.

I mean its hard to advocate against RMT in a version of the game that literally has the WoW token where you can legally RMT. I dont see a reason why Blizzard would ever have to ban GDKP in Cataclysm, it would make them lose money.

Are you saying farming is content? lmfao

Also, you realize Blizzard sells boosts (which actually skip content) and WoW tokens in their shop? LOL

Blizzard-sanctioned rmt exists in this game :clown_face:

Projecting much?

One of the greatest feats of blizzard is convincing the playerbase that waiting and tedium are gameplay, as opposed to actually playing the content in the game.

What you said is a lie based on nothing but ignorance.

Most people only gdkp on a couple of characters in the week. Your average gdkp player doesn’t just magically do x10 more raids than a non gdkp player.

If the issue truly lies solely with RMT, then the removal of RMT would then “clean” gdkps and thus there would then be nothing wrong with gdkps in your eyes, but you still turn around say you want it banned anyways. So obviously your issue isn’t actually with RMT, and you’re just using it as a shield for your anti gdkp argument because it’s easier to convince people to your side if you go “it’s against tos route” instead of saying what you want to say and that’s that you’re losing raiders to your trashcan MS>OS run and now can’t raid with competent players since they all left for gdkps.

Players like myself are tired of people leaving mid raid because their loot didn’t drop and they don’t need the rest of the raid. Players like myself are tired of trash cans showing up to raid unprepared, griefing the raid because “it’s just a game guys lol” and still cleaning house in regards to loot. Players like myself are tired of spending time getting raid ready and then seeing players refuse to use any consumables because they’re “anti meta and not a sweaty try hard”.

If blizzard really believed its RMT, then why didn’t they ban gdkps in all versions of wow, and not only sod? Why did they even have to make a second post remembering RMT as a “reason” why they banned it instead of having it be at the forefront of their first post. RMT has always been against TOS, so logically if RMT and gdkps are intricately connected then, if anyone has the power to, blizzard has to the power to fully remove gdkps whenever they want, but haven’t outside of lightly tying gdkps to rmt for a niche sub game of their IP.

Go on, call it gaslighting because you lack anything to say other than cope. I expect the bare minimum from anti gdkp players.

WoW is a casual’s MMO. When it comes to farming WoW is extremely mild and forgiving. Farming has always been part of the gameplay loop in MMOs, as it is in almost all RPGs as well.

GDKPs are just end-game boosting.

It’s weird how people try to gaslight that fact. Almost like they have a vested interest in keeping RMT going.

We all know GDKPs are a rot on Classic.