GDKP ban consequences

Banning GDKP is a horrible idea
~almost all pugs have Hard reserves especially beginning and middle phase (No HR’s in GDKP)
~Gold will essentially become useless and uncirculated
~End of phase realms will be dead (no point farming gold or Boe’s) to sell when you wont be able to use it on anything.
~ there will be no point saving gold therefore whats the point of doing professions to make gold that you cant spend

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I don’t really see any of that as a real issue
Pugs are terrible anyways so join a guild
End of Phase realms were always going to be crap for a seasonal game mode.
Gold will be circulated like it normally is, people will always buy consumables instead of farming the mats themselves when they have the gold to do so.

This is the translation for people who don’t speak GDKP:

  • I can’t make my own raid cuz I am only used to pay to win so how can I get items?
  • my RMT gold will essentially become useless
  • no point of buying Gold as you won’t be able to buy BoP items with
  • doubling down on no point of buying gold with no GDKP. Jokes around making their GDKP payment gold from professions lol

oh noooooo

walks away


I’m all for GDKPs and I have no idea what you’re getting at with any of this stuff.

It will be harder for low parsing players to find raid groups. But otherwise not much will change, gold will still be useful and people will still RMT.

Idk if you knew this but, you guys that just spam GDKPs on alts to make gold aren’t essential to… literally anything.


Blockquote ~Gold will essentially become useless and uncirculated
~End of phase realms will be dead (no point farming gold or Boe’s) to sell when you wont be able to use it on anything.
~ there will be no point saving gold therefore whats the point of doing professions to make gold that you cant spend

what are you smoking cause it must be heavenly, theres no way that you’re serious. Gold will be useless? I dont do GDKPs never have, never will but to have that much confidence in thinking the market is gonna be flatlined cause dudes cant auctioneer on drops is hilarious


I have never had a problem getting a raid on any of my alts and have not once been in a raid with HR or even SR. Every raid was ms/os, and I’d say about 1/4 of them didn’t even bother master looting.

Raiding isn’t nearly as serious as you are trying to make it out to be.

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Plenty of non HR runs out there. If you don’t see one, make one. It’s what people do in this game generally.

Good. It’s already useless outside of consumes and the occasional gold sink. Gold should never have become the driving factor for how gear was acquired in dungeons/raids. Which is probably why GDKP was allowed but not supported officially by blizzard prior.

Hyperbole. People play because they enjoy the game in most cases, if you are only playing to amass wealth that is your choice and you can do it within the confines of this game in other ways besides dealing with potentially illicit gold.

“Why bother doing anything ever?”
Do you enjoy playing the game? Keep playing the game.
Was GDKP to amass wealth your only reason for playing?
Probably not a great time for you right now but there are many other options for making gold in this game.
Saving is a choice you can make or not make. A loot system shouldn’t really dictate that for you.

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Gold will essentially become useless and uncirculated

0/10 - try harder

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They equally as essential as players who run MS > OS, SR, or guild runs.

Any of those groups could be removed and the game would be just fine.

op hasn’t responded bc they switched alts to make another gdkp post


Any one of these points would be wrong on its own.

Taken together they’re almost lethal.

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Swipers or those that utterly support the swiping life style are raging. About time. Bring it to Cata as well.

I’ve raided every lockout on 2 characters (which isn’t much tons of people have several 25’s) since the beginning, I have not had to join one single hard reserve run on either character. I’ve only ever seen or noticed one hard reserve run ever being advertised and the reason I remember that one run is because general chat jumped all over them and made fun of them for HR’ing.

Yeah I guess it’s possible you’ll see more depending on your server but this narrative that all of a sudden all runs are now HR is silly.

look i also think the GDKP ban was a bad decision.

but everything you’re saying here is either already happening or while never happen

Burn gdkp in all versions of the game… although… if they sell the coin… probably going to be ok there for… reasons

Stop using the AH. You’re supporting RMT there.

cry more gold buyer