GDKP ban consequences

Why is that always a response when you hear something you don’t like?

poor baby upsetties they’re cracking down on pay to win

Where’s the vendor with the raid loot? I haven’t found it yet.

The AH/trading is very different from gdkp - professions for example use resources from other professions/gathering skills. Acquiring these material items / consumables would take ridiculous amounts of time in some cases. Simply put, while the AH does foster RMTing, it is a SIGNIFICANTLY more necessary system to players than GDKPs are. Nobody needs GDKPs they are completely unnecessary

Well that’s an opinion. I prefer GDKP to every other loot system. So what now?

So you can keep playing the game, join ms/os groups, make your own group, join a guild, or play a different game.

What you can’t do is gdkps

As a WoW players, we survive way worse things.

This is just merely a scratch.

The solution is a raid finder. But a good one – not like a retail one where you get a gimped version of the raid with gimped loot.

you stop buying gold and learn to play the game legitimately

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You can upgrade that loot super fast to be way better than what dropped, you can also turn those non-set pieces into tier. It’s not raid finder in a vacuum that works, it’s the supporting systems.

Oh really? I guess I can’t really speak to it since I only tried dragonflight for a month. So long as a system isn’t unequally gimped just because people can find each other to play, it’s fine.

So, nothing.

GDKP is done in SoD.

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The solution is never raid finder, because just like GDKPs, raid finder

So stop trying to make fetch happen

“Gold will essentially become useless and uncirculated”
Agreed on this point 100%. Please send it to my character as I am something of a collector


Debunked, smooth brain take

Points to every pvp item

I’m wondering why they don’t just bank DKP from all versions of the game?

It’s a great decision. Maybe the Zoomer whales will migrate back to Wrath (where hopefully it gets banned too.)

The playerbase will be so much better.

I can’t wait for the backlash of threads from people that’ll be wrongfully banned for this foolishness. On one hand you’ll have people that did it but got banned, which is stupid for Blizzard to do, but on the other hand you’re going to have a ton of people wrongfully hit by Blizzard that didn’t do it in the first place. It’s going to be a complete trainwreck.

Reply of the day :rofl:

The consequence is less RMT and Swipers getting banned.

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