GDKP are they bannable?

If they’re not breaking the rules, the worst that can happen is the automatic squelch that is temporarily put into place long enough for a GM to review the reports. If they are in violation of the rules (usually spamming is the issue here if they’re legitimately posting only where they are supposed to be), they’ll be sanctioned. If they’re not breaking the rules, the squelch will be removed and no mark will be held against the account.

Mind you, spamming can be posting in all caps, ads with obnoxiously overt symbols (a la * ~ * ~ * and the like) - as well as posting too much. There are no hard and fast rules for how much time is required between posts. That sort of thing is weighed with how each realm reports it. Just because 50 posts have flown by in the thirty seconds since the last time an ad was posted, does not make it any safer to repost the ad than it does on a slower realm where there may be no other posts in Trade in the five minutes since an ad was last posted. Spam is subjective, and the GMs who look over those reports make those calls based on the community and other factors unknown to us as players. What Darth suggested about at least waiting five minutes between posts is kind of the general consensus for the most part, but it’s still something to be wary of depending on the community. With how busy Classic Trade chats can be, most won’t have dead silence between five minute posts. I just tend to warn folks about spam being subjective due to seeing a case where someone was hit for spamming because their Trade was so quiet that they were literally the only person posting for long stretches.


Your question has been answered over and over again, including a blue post:

To say “will not be banned” is not going to be given an affirmative, because there are other rules that must be followed as well.

Here’s a summary:

GDKP’s are currently allowed, but they are unsupported. Meaning there is no support for these runs if things go sour, if promises are broken (may be investigated as a scam, but no reimbursement/restoration is likely for your character), if illegal gold is in play, etc.

Advertisements are allowed in Trade (Services) for retail and Trade for Classic/SoD where the Trade (Services) channel may not exist. BUT, these advertisements are still subject to the other rules as Orylia listed above.

If other players think you are spamming, they are allowed to report you for spam, and NO ONE is exempt from the possibility of being squelched at any time, for any reason. If a squelch happens, a GM may or may not agree with the reports and as such, you may or may not be actioned for it.


Not everyone buys gold.

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Your right they do not, but how do you know who does? Those are the ones that can cause you trouble

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Which we’re aware of. The individual I responded to is well known for accusing anyone who supports GDKP a “swiper” or a “whale,” and believes every GDKP runner is a gold buyer (which is factually incorrect).

Most GDKPs won’t take characters with no logs or prior history on the server, no matter how much gold they have, because they look suspicious. GDKPs are not so dumb as to take anyone in the world just because they have gold. It’s silly to think that we will. Maybe the GDKPs with 0 standards and only doing 12/12 Normal ICC might. But not the good ones.

True but keep in mind even with those logs and stuff they could still buy gold. Yeah that kind of thing will help weed out the gold sellers themselves from joining your group. But it does not get rid of the risk of being exposed to stolen gold. Honestly my account is not worth the reward or risk.


True, but it’s just less likely. Good players don’t feel the need to cheat to get ahead.

Fair enough. But i’ve been doing GDKPs for 2 years and not yet been banned or known anyone get banned for gold buying, so clearly it’s not as prevalent as a certain crowd would have you believe.

Really appreciate your input. I wish you could have been this informative and clear from your first reply. Thank you!

The only note of any value for the discussion is 2.

The point 2. explicitly avoids stating “GDKP can only be advertised in trade chat”. This is no more clear than it was 24 hours ago. They are being intentionally vague. People aren’t catching suspensions for spamming/incorrect channel. People are abusing the report system. Until they come out and CLEARLY STATE the appropriate channel, this discussion has not been settled, and any suspensions resulting from this ‘policy’ are dubious at best. This information is not being communicated and based on 1. and 3. is entirely up to the whims of the playerbase currently online. That’s flat out terrible policy for an MMO.

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It is 100% clear. As Leilleath posted in this very thread:

They are not. You just don’t like the policy.

Nothing is at the whim of the playerbase. Players are allowed to report for anything they feel is against the rules. They are not required to be 100% correct, they are not required to provide a reason, they are not required to provide proof.

Blizzard reviews each report and THEY decide for themselves what is actionable or not.


That is in no way clear. GDKPs aren’t solely a “for gold” activity. You making or spending gold is TBD> The one thing that is certain: You’re doing a raid with a group.

Again, GDKP organizers are being reported for abusive chat, not spamming or improper channel usage.

It’s not that I don’t like the policy, it’s that the policy isn’t clear. You aren’t honestly analyzing this issue because you like the vagueness of the policy.

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Re: this particular point, that link makes ZERO mention of GDKPs. It’s about boosting services. You’re combining two separate statements out of context to come to an inaccurate conclusion, and then have the audacity to claim the issue settled and any mention to the contrary is misinformation.

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Why are we still going on about this?

Orlyia said this…

This is where people are getting suspended, sketchy gold.

If you are getting suspended from posting in chat, that’s on you. The only thing that results from a mass reporting is a squelch. Silences, Suspensions and Bans are applied by a GM. For that to happen, it’s because Blizzard has rock solid proof.


Well, take it to General Discussion. This thread needs to be locked.

I’d prefer them explictly state which channels are appropriate for GDKP to be advertised in. I’ve been told to not advertise raid groups in trade. I’ve been told to not advertise GDKPs in LFG. What I’m getting is “don’t advertise for GDKPs at all”.

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Well, take the hint then…


The CS forum has nothing to do with the rules or how they’re applied. If you want to have your voice heard, it’d be best to do such outside of the support forums. Everything bug the support forums have their feedback taken.


I’m merely countering claims that say this issue is settled, “100% clear”, and that any dissenting opinions should be ignored. It’s not settled, it’s still wildly unclear, and even the blue post acknowledges this issue is polarized and unlikely to be agreed upon. They can form an explicit policy, but no, I don’t expect them to do so in these forums.

edit: So not only do you still avoid answering which channel was appropriate, you associate my mass reported suspension for advertising to completely different conversations on completely different days and immediately lock the post thinking you did some sort of dunk? So the reports for GDKP advertisement triggered you digging through my history to find the first ‘bad word’ i said to suspend me for?

I questioned someone talking about ‘little boys’ and i called someone a moron. This is what they’re talking about. This is a joke.

Yes, I was advertising a gdkp raid in both. As is commonplace. It’s almost like it’s unclear where it belongs. I’m sure if you dig through those logs some more, you’ll find the brigading against me was prompted in TRADE CHANNEL for the gdkp run. I’m sure none of these people will be catching suspensions for abusing the report system.

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Swanronsan - you were advertising in BOTH Trade, and LFG - back to back.

Wrong channel - spam.

Even that may have been overlooked until you got toxic - telling people IN TRADE CHAT that they touch minors and questioning their intellect in very uncharitable terms - again, in TRADE CHAT.

I think we are done here.