GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

You can, it’s just an ignorant thing to think you’re an expert on them.

So you have an opinion but it’s a poorly informed, ignorant one.

Did you just not understand this?

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Are you claiming GDKPs don’t sell items or carries?

What are they then if they dont do that?

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Youre wasting your breath arguing with GDKPers. They dont care. Their entire objective is to get attention and provoke emotional responses.

Report them and then ignore them.


Stop getting off track.

You said good players don’t spend gold to raid. That’s a flat out lie and tells us you’re probably not a good player.

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I do report them, however I find ignoring them to be fruitless. All that happens if you let them bloviate is people who google or come to this place for information will see nothing but their spam.

I’m going to enjoy phase 4 so much and without GDKP. See you in Blackrock Mountain


Me too, I’m on my main posting because there’s no reason to hide.

Guess I won’t see you in BRM because you won’t post on the toons I assume you’ll be in there on?

Pot, kettle

In a GDKP as per the conversation youre ignoring.

You’re stating that people buying consumables before raid are engaging in GdKP, which is nonsense.

Yes you spend gold in a GDKP.

You also spend gold in a non GDKP raid too.

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I don’t spend enough time here to know how to post per character. I suggest you get like me

Why are you here then?

And those are two very different things

No they’re not.

Good players spend gold to get loot.

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I love GDKP, met some of the coolest people in them. SR (with a bunch of HR stuff) runs are filled with :rat:s :smiling_face:

Never bought a coin, and overall spent more than I ever earned in them. People should take their own advice and get good at the (gold making) game :sunglasses:

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am here for you

No, soending monies on consumables is not GDKP.

By your logic spending money on repairing your gear is engaging in GDKP


No need to be, feel free to stay I’ll continue to point out poorly built arguments people are trying to make why gdkps are bad.

You have to spend gold to raid.

You can’t go into a raid with broken gear either, can you? Again, your ignorance at learning the game is rearing its head for all to see.

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