GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

Great suggestion for a gdkp test on shadowstrike.

it looks like your post was flagged and is hidden most likely because its a troll post

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Please DO NOT bring GDKP back.

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100% keep them banned it helped wiht some RMT but they still need to region lock servers and make them ANTI VPN!!!

also make warlock summoning bots a actionable offense along with there spam!!!

Goes the same with mage spamming


I understand this change was in response to a very vocal part of the community calling for it, but I anecdotally feel the larger number of players actually is fine or even enjoys having GDKP in the game.

I hope you do bring them back in SoD, but if you chose not to, please do not ruin future iterations of classic seasonal or otherwise with this ban.

It’s also Spam because that’s all Elron can do.


Keep them banned thanks :slight_smile:


Big nope to GDKP, keep it banned, elron can get a real job instead.


i wish blizz would allow for polls on forums so people could vote they would be able to get more of realistic numbers. Also

Make servers ANTI VPN and Region LOCKED!!! Continue fighting the RMT!!!

Your right all his posts have something to do with lifting the GDKP ban!!! The link he posted has Links to 6 other posts and each one either Mentions lifting the GDKP ban or is about lifting the GDKP ban!!!


GDKP was the superior loot method for all pre 60 content. GDKP is the superior loot method for out dated content like MC. This is the perfect time to admit the ban was a mistake and allow the community to organize raids how they want to organize their raids… +1 for bring back GDKP.

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No thanks to GDKP. Ban it in all future classic game modes please, successful experiment!!

PuGs have been SO much more enjoyable and they are actually available with a chance to get loot. Anyone that wants it back is just sad they aren’t able to sell/run carrys or are gold buyers.


GDKPs mean more RMT in the game, which translates to more chinese bots farming gold to sell to these GDKP enjoyers. I don’t want more bots in the game and I don’t want items valued with real money.

If you think GDKPs will save SoD you’re wrong. Nothing will save SoD, the Devs don’t have enough staff to manage everything and it shows with all the choices that they make.

Screw GDKPs and screw SoD.


Instead they cut and fired staff when they needed to hire more Classic,Hardcore and SoD are all managed by the same 5 people in a basement and it shows!!! They put more effort into the abomination known as retail and then try and add the retail trash to Classic and SoD thinking thats what people want when its not.

People who play classic play classic because they want to relive the days of there youth!!!

All these Catch up mechcanics and free epics and EVERYONE gets an orange like candy handed out on halloween is just bad its 100% what killed Retail to begin with.

I remember when having a legendary meant something in classic it doesnt mean anything!!!

killed retail? That is actually booming right now.

Best part is every single version of wow including sod taiwan have gdkp’s and are fine.

NA/EU sod is the only place gdkp is banned and its dying so badly they need to shutdown all servers and merge them into 2.

its so nice having no gdkps :slight_smile:
ty for banning them blizz :slight_smile:


Reminder that this decision will go down in history as the single biggest decision that decimated the SOD playerbase worldwide.

It was so impactful they had to merge all sod servers into two because of how many people left the game.

This gdkp ban will never be implemented into any other version of wow now or in the future because of the impact it had and they had the opportunity to acknowledge it didn’t work how they wanted it and revert it and opted to ignore the data.


L’ron - :cry:


Take the L and Quit


Originally, i thought it was not a bad idea, and i was leaning more toward having a more “pristine” environment without the GDKP, but that has long changed.

SOD would have been better with the GDKP. Please just bring it back.