GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

If it was because of the gdkp ban why didn’t all of those 60% of players immediately quit the second gdkps were banned? Why did they continue playing after gdkps were banned?

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Let me make it easier for you to comprehend.

Shadowstrike had 14,986 players before the ban.

The ban was announced on the 30th january 2024.

Phase 2 was released on the 8th February 2024.

Shadowstrike had 6703 players during phase 2 launch onwards.

I will admit that months after it went up slightly to around 10-11k then continued to free fall down to 2900ish players.

Based on this data on all servers not just our own plus player feedback the conclusion is that the gdkp ban significant harmed the player population it resulted in less players overall it resulted in less alts over all and less raids being completed weekly.

There is no way in any circumstance this can be justified.

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They are professional gold sellers. Actual players don’t want that garbage in the game.


So it went from 14k, then slowly declined over time, as it had already been doing. Then the population rose back up to 11k the next phase (11k is not 60% of 14k hahahah) way after gdkps had been banned? It’s almost as if gdkps had absolutely nothing to do with the decline in the playerbase and more to do with people getting bored of the content. Then coming back when there was more content released. That 60% of players that “quit because gdkps were banned”, would not have returned unless gdkps were unbanned… Which they were not. You basically just shattered your own argument hahahaha

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It didn’t decline slowly over time it dropped 8283 players in a week …

There’s not point arguing with you even when your presented with data showing the massive decline after gdkp ban you still aren’t smart enough to figure it out.

Look up my characters on warcraft logs i raid 3 different toons check the logs not just for sod but for som and for classic wow.

I am not a gold seller you are delusional.

Almost a 1000 responses majority all in favor of bringing back gdkp’s at this point you are merging servers because of population issues.

Bring back gdkp’s and watch the population begin to grow.

Please revisit this policy.


Waiting for an update on this.

Just bring it back…It gets old…

elron needs an update, he sounds incredibly desperate on discord. He is seeking real world employment now. Tough times


Thanks for the bump.

This policy was an obvious failure, your fake interest in integrity is pathetic, you let sodapoppin buy 50k gold and dont ban him for even a minute, there are 100000 of bots running for months freely around, go back to making mobile games and dont act like there is any integrity in WoW left, it’s been gone for a long time.

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Agree with you the fact they still haven’t reverted this and admitted it didn’t work how they thought it would is actually crazy.

Yup. And actually it would have saved phase 3, and GDKPs have a higher tank retention rate than any other loot system. Second to actual being friends with your guild so much that you all play the same games together lol.

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I disagree but that’s my opinion. The AH is less inflated without GDKPs.

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Because they added increased resource nodes herb/mining that give x5 on pickup and respawn rate.

They added transmute procs / potion procs that can proc up to x5 potions they added procs to flasks as well.

They put resources/crafting mats in boxes obtained from dungeons as well.

All of these things significantly changed the dynamic of the economy all of the above had never been done in classic version of wow until now.

You can’t just claim gdkp is why things are cheap because its not true.


This is like the pot calling the kettle black

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True that is a good point, but I still believe GDKPs also played a part.

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You’re entitled to your opinion as long as you arent 1 of those people who just claim gdkp ruined everything.

I personally think players should be able to use whatever raiding method they want and in game currency.

Oh I think GDKP did ruin a lot of things. In the sense that it really changed the dynamic of how players played the game. To say everything is a stretch but GDKP is not something I like. And I am also allowed to have that opinion. In my opinion. You can’t take away someone’s opinion. It is crazy to think you can.

Not saying you think you have the power to take away someone’s opinion but it seem to me that you imply that you believe you have the power to take away someone else opinion.

Am I being passive aggressive you bet I am. Enjoy.

That’s okay i still think gdkp’s would help the game and preserve the playerbase.