GD was undertuned and too Easy

Yea we are all kinda undergeared still, PLUS Tyranical week, PLUS people blow all cds on pull.

So you get stuck in that phase. Major CD’s should definitely be saved for that phase. Minors can be used on pull.

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I mean technically, having balls to the walls hard healer check dungeons plays into the healbot fantasy so many cry and whine for. There is far too many of a subset of healers who think their entire existence should be only pushing healing buttons and damage to be so intense that there isn’t even a whisper of a thought that the healer should be even firing off an instant dot/cast that isn’t purely a heal.

We call them bad healers though because what they ACTUALLY want is to be allowed to stand around with their fingers up their nose and being carried by the other 4 people while they maybe toss a heal here and there to “help”.

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yeah, it’s kind of fustrating i constantly have to check myself from dpsing too much in hard keys and i really enjoy the moments where i can just dps some as a healer and catch a mental recovery minute

Sometimes a group will lull me into a false sence of security where i’m doing like 3-6k dps as a NF and then bamn it hits lol the big wipe moment.

There is definitely a balance to be struck for what is sane and enjoyable and gives people some variety.