And Kara was perfect. Lower Kara is what every M+ should strive to be. A real challenge and breath of fresh air where if you try to get on the meters you die.
I had big legion flashbacks and nostalgia (almost) from Kara — You remember druids running through the entire zone backwards? I do…
It was great fun. And there’s even a literal intermittion in the Murloc Operah.
---- TLDR also —
The reason blizzard caters to M+ is because of $$$ not because of funnn lol.
There is fun to be had in M+ not if you are an overcrazed zerg trying to get max ilvl and 3k rating in under two weeks tho (tho I do enjoy no lifing them that we have places like Karrazhan and Workshop ))) )
---- I was in a great key with a great group this morning with many teachable moments and they could have learned the fights and then timed a +10 instead of crying and raging on their +11 — because they didn’t get their loot / rating / candy / cupcake / pre- made - queue reward.
I expect to see a lot of mechgnomes named Mrrggia (the only way she will ever get in a player character body is being transplanted into a robognome body).
People lost the ability to have fun somewhere between 2010-and 2018. I hope you all can stop and smell the roses and have a laugh at the wonderful humor in this game again. One day.
Both scripted and unscripted ))) (players dying to lol stuff)
Play how you like don’t worry about what other people do. If you want to spend 2 hours clearing a dungeon go for it. But don’t assume that’s fun for everyone.
I’m being over 9000000% genuine here though. Seriously. I have laughed so hard this week with some really good sports.
Yesterday it was me and the tank and one DPS on Attumen for like 10 minutes because we where the only ones who could do mechs on first pull, we got him in 4 pulls tho ) and it was super ez everyone was like 'omgosh we could ahve 1 shotted this whole place!) on a 14, which is a perfect skill level to run
I never ever get mad at ppl who ragequit. And I’m always upfront and put ‘no commitment’ and ‘plz monch key if you feel the need’ right in my group chat and descriptions. Never ever got salty bout someone being a goof in my keys. Also let me be super bit of narciscist here — if it is my key and ppl want to keep going I will keep patiently teaching ) pats own horns
You are right. I started the weak with a 14 key and dialed it down to a two to practice on lawl and (give other ppl the opportunity). I should have pushed for that 15 Kara hard, that is 100% on me!
GD last boss is hitting 45k on a 19 per breath, its not balanced. Lower kara I can agree with you its all about knowing what to do and they nerfed the wrong things.
Ya, I did not do a super high GD so the scaling def sounds off by your description. (my highest was on a 12)
Some dungeons and some fights should definately be more or less boolean than others … if they all scale exactly the same way it is milquetoast. Is it so wrong to have a dungeon that is just insane on a +10-20 and one that is easy on a +30?
Granted on mechs like the fire that goes everywhere and is hard to dodge due to other mechs shouldn’t be 1 shot for the sake of sanity.
I understand there are some dungeons that work this way, TOP was an example, but I think its frustating to lose 80% of your hp to a mechanic that is not avoidable (GD is avoidable but that guide is a workaround for a broken boss lol).
I enjoy the nerfs, but I still think maiden shield is too thick for the damage she does during the encounter, and having to completely hold a full cd to break it while the healer suffers to keep you alive is not right in my opinion.
The rest of the dg is experience for sure, like you said, but this week is fortified, so mobs that already give us trouble there will be waaaaay more dangerous and more flaws will come to light.
Tell me it’s fine after you’ve gotten KSM. For those of us doing 15+ keys it’s annoying and silly, particularly when your vision is filled with glowy dreadlord cage and you can’t see anything.
Plz call out the purpply ghosty dispell on Attumen that is hard to see (as a healer).
For a good (unintentional) laugh my first time back I was pumpin my practice groups with mass dispel, I did that for 3 pulls lol.
Otherwise IDK… the average person should be able to do a 15, they shouldn’t be faceroll tho.
The 14 Kara I did was very hard and we didn’t time it. I thinkfeel only the tank really did that one well. It required flawless execution of mechs, is that too much for KSM?
One of the DPS was pretty good too not that good tho.
The best one i could find on wagio was the one that lets ppl essentially macro ‘dispell me’.
They gotta use it tho ! Otherwise it does nothing.
I got through like 8 dispells in a row when i was dying inside from hilarious laughter I could not share so it isn’t that hard, it’s still possible to mess it up no matter how good you are especially in a messy group.
This one is automatic, I just link it before the run. It works if not everyone has it (at least for the people using it), but if everyone does have it, it’ll also make their party frame glow to dispel them
I assume Blizz will prob find a way to make it stop working at some point though since it voids one of the main mechanics of that fight.
Tbh it seems like 99% of people complaint about lower Kara are just mad that it’s difficulty is higher even at lower keys compared to other dungeons at higher keys.
Like a 15 Kara feeling like maybe a 22 workshop, they get butthurt due to the number disparity, despite it really not mattering.
No thank you, you’ll change your own when you try to heal a higher level lower kara. Or it’ll be nerfed by the time you get there and it won’t be a problem.
I am pretty sure I will be OK if I never get KSM in a pug because either I am bad or the rest of the group is - I can still find fun in the details and ebb and flow of play and time ) lol
Not for lack of want or effort. I mean I really do try. I started out barely able to clear a herioc Spires on this expac.
I mean that’s kind of the point. If every dungeon was tuned to the level of Kara it wouldn’t be overtuned, the scaling this season would just be what it is.