GD right now is Necro’R’Us

You know who you are, stahp it.


Threads should auto-lock after a month or 1000 replies. After 100 replies most are just the same people repeating the same arguments over and over anyway.


I wished I didn’t have to click on the thread to go and mute it, I’m sick of seeing them pop up every now and then.

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i don’t mind at least some the necro’d threads are better than whats been getting posted here lately. the forums are actually deader than the game sad.

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Glad I’m not the only one to notice what was happening lol

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Current 20,000 cap is way too high imo

Could have mods manually increase a thread cap like for mega threads but otherwise threads should definitely auto lock after 1 or 2 thousand replies, as it only ever gets that big if a handful of people are viciously arguing over a sensitive topic

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I want to agree with this but

I don’t want Blizz to forget that guild permissions are still goofed up 4 years later.

It’s the closest folk of Warcraft will get to playing necromancers in WoW so don’t be TO harsh.

chugs drink

Necrolords unite , down with the night fae warlocks :rage: