GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

you broke your arm? :astonished:

that sounds un-fun

i don’t know the proper etiquette for broken bones, so i’ll just offer this bunny gif instead


“By the way, I love the look in your Avatar, but your Armory is different. Which will be your final look?”

“It’s the very top of the arm bone, so it is considered a broken shoulder. No cast, just a sling and a lot of pain pills.”

Depends on your spec. If you want to heal, ask Surfy about Holy. She’s, bar none, one of the best healers I’ve ever run with or seen.

Otherwise, best thing to do is just jump in to random BG’s and Epic BG’s and pew pew your heart out. The honor gear isn’t too bad and at max level, there’s at least one quest that’ll give you some anima and extra honor for accumulating 1500 honor (not sure if this is a weekly quest or not.

In addition, you can also upgrade your honor gear with honor sort of like how reforging used to work.

Best advice, though, thay I can give you is to find a PvP buddy to queue with. Even losing with someone whose company you enjoy is much better than winning alone.

Epic BGs tend to yield more honor per match than reg BGs though so it’s very much a “pick your poison” decision. I’d also recommend hitting up the brawls as well. And next Tuesday (12.08) starts the Battleground event which gives you EXTRA honor for PvPing.


 well i’m going to do that “internet doctor” thing, and tell you to keep on top of those pills, even if you think you don’t need them.
if you’re feeling ok and decide to skip a dose, it will be hard to get back on top of the pain again.
take it easy, and hang in there.
(and try to make the most of making everyone do stuff for you!) :laughing:

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“I have a Husband and a Roommate. I am well pampered.”

“I am done with the high strength pain pills from the Doctor, and am taking over the counters ones now. It only hurts if I try to move it.”


I’ll transmog Bret back to how I want him to appear right now once he hits level 60. Or maybe the next time I encounter a transmogrifier NPC.

He’ll have a slightly armored appearance. I quite like it anyhow.

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glares adorably menacingly at Cyndi’s shoulder

Don’t you move, you shoulder, you! Otherwise, no :bear::sandwich: for you!

hands Cyndi a big bag of :bear::sandwich:

Don’t share them with your shoulder if it moves. It has to be a GOOD shoulder before it can have any :bear::sandwich: of it’s own!

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“I like the eye patch and hair. It reminds me of how you looked, way back when, when we first met.”

Weird, I can’t see the eye patch and hair right now. For my icon, it shows me having the ugly helm I have him equipped with right now lol.

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“Then your Avatar hasn’t updated for the rest of us. Oh well, I still like it.”

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Ooh okay. So should I wait until 60 to try it? :cake:

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Do what ever you choose. If you’re not confident, I would start now. You earn both honor and xp and by the time you’re 60, you can start buying gear right away.

Your queues might be longer then they are at max level but it’ll still ne worth it for the honor gear @ lvl 60.


I do but, not until I get back and hit 60. My first stop is the barbershop and I’ll be in there for hours.

Battlegrounds can be a bit toxic.

Having the buddy helps, especially on alliance. You’ll see when you get in that the old truism is correct - Horde is “FOR THE HORDE” and alliance alot of times tends to be “NOT IN THE FACE!”

Having that buddy gives you someone to laugh with, even if it’s a trainwreck of a BG. Elmer and I will even laugh at who died more after particularly bad ones.

Now if you are in a bad epic bg - even though you will see others bail and quit, I’d recommend riding them out. I’ve found a real awesome healer and hunter at the right choke points can turn a lost cause into a real nice honor farm :slight_smile:

Sometimes you can learn more about your character and rotation in those moments where it’s not going quite right :slight_smile:


This is surfy’s nelfy healer

Only thing keeping her from diving back into pvp at the moment is I’m really really loving Ardenweald :heart_eyes:


That and and the horrifying thought of a certain Gnome hunter getting too excited, over extending, and getting himself into a jam becau

runs off in a random direction

I win this one. A LOT. Why you ask? Because I tend to over-exten

runs off in another random direction


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(chrisnp lurks)
been playing low level chars
 only seen part of Bastion so far in Shadowlands. I really am a deep underachiever.

This is why I give thanks to Elune for the Holy Word Serentiy.

This one has a tendency to chance off after bears before I get a chance to heal him otherwise :rofl:

I prefer to think of it as savoring the moment

I’ve even spent time looking at the sky in ardenweald

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It’s really not my fault, I swear! Those bears look so delicious and tas

runs off in a random direction

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