GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

Now that the Overwolf site transfer is pretty much over you may see some addons marked as abandoned.

They may not be abandoned - Overwolf needs addon authors to consent to having their user information transferred from Twitch to Overwolf so any addon projects where the author hasn’t signed the consent form get marked as abandoned.

Please refer to this thread for enquiries -

Also please encourage any addon authors you find with addons marked as abandoned with recent updates to please sign the consent form. The process is fairly speedy.

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Good morning, afternoon, evening, night GD Lounge.


/running pounce
/happy giggle

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Returns hug being careful of your broken arm.
breaks off two small pieces of the yummy cookie to share with Arcanohol and Necro. Then quickly eats the rest.

Trying to stay positive and happy isn’t always easy but delicious cookies and hugs from friends really help. :grinning:


“Very much. Friends help us stay strong.”

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That is very true, which is why I’m thankful for the friends I have. I did something stupid yesterday, so I am trying to bring all my emotions back to their base line.

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(Lady Cyndi Lou hands you a box of spoons.)
/understanding smile

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grabs a spoon and throws it at the jailers head…did i do that right?

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gratefully excepts the spoons.
Thank you.

Watches as the spoon bounces off of the Jailors head… hands over a fork. Try this next, If it doesn’t work I have a stress ball, toenail clippers and a sleeping cat nearby.


“Anytime. I know how important they can be.”

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Breaks the chain of female posters.

C-C-C-Combo B-B-Breakerrrrr!!

Good morning, and good night.


/running pounce
/happy grin

Graciously accepts the cookie, devours it in one bite and gulp, and hugs Cyndilou.

Been awhile!

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“Too long. How are things where you are?”

Things are going well. Between jobs right now, about to get hired at a new one. Hope I don’t mess it up, I got royally screwed by a horrible boss in the last one. This newer job will be totally dependent upon me though, and part of it is cashier-ing. Q_Q I don’t want to do cashier, but I guess I got to…

Back in WoW though, and i’m enjoying Shadowlands so far. My only downer so far about coming back is that I still can’t solo Antorus on Mythic. :frowning:


Does anyone PvP? Kinda wanna try BG but I don’t know where to start. :thinking:

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“Beat up some baddies for me too. I am sitting here with a broken humus bone, in my shoulder, for another 4 to 8 weeks. No SL for me.”
/half shrug
/shy smile

Yikes. Sorry to hear that Cyndi, hope it heals up faster than that. Iirc, you were quite engaged in WoW lore, so once you do get to playing Shadowlands I know you’re probably going to enjoy the zones a fair bit.

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“Everyone will be hiding in the dungeons and raids, by the time I get there.”