GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

“Did you get to talk to Rainy?”

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“I understand your gloom, now.”
/pats your back comfortingly.

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Yeah I try not to get depressed, but I was really looking forward to it.

cries big bunny tears.

I love him and he means so much me. The thought of talking to him makes me extremely happy.

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“I know that feeling all too well. Hubby was on the other side of the World. I was lucky to talk to him once a month, occasionally once a week. Couldn’t afford it, and back then voice chat wasn’t really a thing. You two are blessed to be so close.”

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I understood why he didn’t call, but it still hurt. I wish we were even closer.
Whispers, I think perhaps I am a bit of an annoyance to him on Discord. I like send him messages all the time. Still I want to let my Floofzie know that I love and care about him.

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“I highly DOUBT that. I am willing to bet he sees them as a form of lifeline. Every message tells him you are still there. Loving him, and waiting for him.”


All I know is I love him, I want to be with him, and I’m not going to give up on him.
Even on days that are gloomy black and gray. Because he is the color in my world.


“And he knows that. That is what keeps him going.”

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CHROMIE is the best she brought back wow classic and fixed leveling in current wow!


“Time to wander off, in search of sleep. Stay strong.”


:expressionless: miss placed my keys this morning

Sun is shining so gotta be grateful tho

/conjure Friday ice cream bar🍦

Stay awesome all!

/casts blink :woman_mage:


Keep looking. I can promise you that you will find your keys in EXACTLY the last place you look!


I know they are in my place somewhere, still :expressionless:

But you’re right they are right where I put them last (my guess at this point is maybe the frig?)

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Gives Izzy a :bear::sandwich: and a platonic floof

Sometimes, even the floofer needs a friendly floof to get them through the day


When someone is in love, patience is the hardest of all virtues to maintain, but I think he is emotionally, physically and intellectually exhausted. Since men tend to lean toward introversion it means he’ll need some alone time to recharge. Please give him a bit of space and use that time to limber up your floofers for epic floofing upon his return.


I made a DH last night

Didn’t even log in as them, but I like how you can almost hide the fact you’re a blood elf now with all the customizations

Why would you hide perfection :nail_care:


I don’t, that’s why I’m basically naked in my armory

Your obvious scoliosis belies your notion of “perfection”.