GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

((A giant of a man steps out from the foggy mists his eyes black as coals))

“A nearly impossible task I assure you, they do change ever so much…”

“Thar must be something in the air, for that is why I’m here playing my games. A dark night indeed…”

It’s all good. I went through that with a now ex-girlfriend. When she need to vent, I was there. When I needed to vent, she immediately became disinterested. That’s dangerous levels of toxicity and I decided she just wasn’t worth the time or effort.

It sucks to recognize people for who they truly are but, with patience and luck, you’ll find people who are actually worth far more than you’d imagine.


“I hope not. I don’t think I would be comfortable around someone who calls me a bully, just for defending my fave NPC, as much as they did theirs.”

BM, I have yet to get new pets

Im using my Dog and Spider, a Spider and Dog

“Indeed it was merely a clever trick to throw you off my scent. Though perhaps I’m a gnome hunter with a thing for eating bears?”

“This however is one of mine.”

thanks gnome comrade

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“No way. I actually KNOW who that is. It’s Huggy.”

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“This I knew as well. I do read the story, after all.”

Fun BM hunter things:

  1. When you complete your Legion order hall canpaign and get the Hunter mount, you can purchase a tome that’ll let you tame hybrid beasts.

  2. Get exalted with the Serpent dudes in Jade forest and you can purchase a tome to tame Wind serpents. Elegon’s new name is Doggie.

  3. If you clear Uldir on Heroic, you get a guaranteed drop to tame Blood Beasts.

  4. Buy a Matrix off the AH if you’re not an engineer and you can tame mechanical beasts.

  5. You can tame a spirit beast raptor in Orgrimmar and a spirit beast gryphon in SW.

Uh, might wanna re-read that conversation cuz that wasn’t how that went at all

I did not know
1, 3, and 5

I dont even know what hybrid beasts are

“I thought I had you that time… I will say the few that might know all fifty of my faces is dear Izzabelle…”

“Let old wounds lie…”

“Anyone can say whatever they want about Sylvanas, and I am not allowed to defend her with out being labeled a bad guy. But let me express my views on Garrosh, and I am called a Bully. I remember the conversation well.”

“All I want is fair treatment.”

Gryphons, unicorns/coursers, and so on. You cwn also tame the three headed hydra from Blackwing Descent. I named mine Cutieface.

(Elmer is quite…eccentric and naive)

Yea, you are allowed to

But don’t instigate things and then act shocked when the other person doesn’t play along

Do the pets really matter much? I would like to get ones that look really nice because some look cute but if they’re useless then nah lol.

“I did no such thing. I merely expressed MY views, on Garrosh, and YOU called me a Bully. Even BEFORE I brought up Sylvanas. It’s WHY I brought her up.”

“I am not upset at the fact that we disagree. I am upset at the fact that you called me a bully, when I was just doing what everyone else does to me.”

Sometimes. Once they homogenized most pets into three specs,.it became mostly insignificant. Mostly. I love having my cat for heroism though.

One thing I will NEVER forgive Blizzard for is taking away Devilsaur stomping sound effect on late TBC. All because a bunch of.snooty non-hunters complained.

Look, I gotta be honest with ya, I don’t really feel like dealing with this all again, I don’t have it in me anymore

I used to like Sylvanas a lot, my first toon was a forsaken, I still have the ring she gives you after a quest chain

But, they did her dirty, she could of kept going on with her kinda shady business but they did her dirty and fell onto bad writing again

Heck, honestly I didn’t originally care too much for Garrosh when he was being the big screen in wrath, but I did grow to like him a lot with his no nonsense attitude, but blizz did him dirty too

It’s what blizzard does, they do things dirty

“Read my edit.”

I just got the best name ever.


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