GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

Wrath heroic dungeons. SUPER easy to solo.


“Which ones are those?”

While in Northrend try ICC heroic to get Invincible (he flies), I think it’s fitting for your undead.

Have some shaman luck :sweat_drops:

ripetide :ocean:

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“I already have that one.”

“This is for my Worgen, not my Forsaken. Will it give Gilneas Rep with the Tabard?”

Keep the shaman luck :sweat_drops:, I haven’t been on WoW since 8.1 or 2 forget which one, but you can buy rep with timewalking badges. When it’s Lk’s dungeons turn their should be a vendor in old Dalaran who sells gear, mount, pet, and rep for timewalking badges.

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Today I was reminded of Ava Louise. I have no idea why. :woman_shrugging:

We are almost at pre-patch guys. I can’t wait to see all the customizations they implemented for us.

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Heroic verdions of the 5 man dungeons from Wrath of the Lich King. You can only do them once a day but with two full circuits, you should get exalted in no time.

(Just don’t forget Culling of Stratholme in Caverns of Time!)


“Can you list them for me? And she is already at Heroic Rep. Needs to be Exalted.”

“It’s for this one.”

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I find that the fastest places to get the rep up is wearing a tabard through this area:

The Arcatraz
The Botanica
The Eye
The Mechanar

You can only do ‘The Eye Tempest Keep’ once a week, but you can circle the other three all day long, and by the time you finish the rotation of all three, it is usually available again with no need to reset.


“Are those LK ones?”

No, it’s Netherstorm, I got all the basic factions and Pandaria up to max that way.


“Easy to solo at level 120? No two man Mechanics?”

Super easy, and if you are lucky at Temepst Keep, you can get pets and Ashes of Al’ar. No two man mechanics.

Super easy on 110’s as well.

“I already have those.”

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Then you were already lucky!!

But, yeah, super easy, and they go fast as well.

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Aye this place also gets a dwarf sized approval of success. I got 3 of me heritage armors from this dungeon. Walk in with a tabard destroy everything, by the last boss is a exit so walk out. Reset the thing. Walk back in a destroy everything.


“Thanks for the help, guys. One more day and I will be exalted.”
/happy dance

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hasn’t heard from the Floofzie all day and is worried. :sob:

Congratulations :confetti_ball: :tada:


“It was a work day, I think. He is probably just tired.”