Yup, nice presents for wayward zombie mee
Yup, nice presents for wayward zombie mee
“Hi. Trying to figure out how to get to Searing Gorge, in Classic, at level 34. Got the other three done, on that fire quest.”
Ooo yeah, I saw them this morning
I think it’s loch modan first, then south to badlands, then west to searing gouge
“Closest flight path I have to the south is Stonard. Closest one to the north, is Hammerfall.”
yeah, it’s a bit of a walk.
Hammerfall would be best I think. that way you just need to walk thru wetlands to get to loch modan
when you get to badlands, I think there is a horde camp in the northwest (Kargath if memory serves where u can rest up and probably pick up another flight point)
“Isn’t that tunnel guarded by Dwarfs?”
the path from stonard would mean going thru the entrance to blackrock mountain
I just don’t remember if there are any mobs in that passage
I’ll scout it out tonight
“Thank you.”
I kinda miss suicide exploring. If I get off work in a timely fashion tonight, I can scout out both ways
“Once I get Searing Gorge done, I am going to try for Wildfires of Kalimdor.”
hoping there is good xp attached to the quests
“They are level Red, so there should be.”
“I am also collecting flight paths, along the way, now that I can AFFORD to fly occasionally.”
so Dwarf…isn’t that like human served in a beer
tasty treat?
“Beer Basted Long Pork.”
mm mmm good
I must remember to bring along a fine bottle of wine for the feast
“Make sure it’s White Wine, it goes better.”
ahh good point
So much wonderful food down there
good morning mystic
is ok to come in - I’ve already dined well /giggle
“And I don’t eat friends.”