GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

Happy to help!


I love Bangus Sisig with garlic rice. :yum:

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I love kimchi, but yes, sometimes, depending on how itā€™s made, it can be HOT. Very hot. Even that I like, but I have to be careful and mix it with other food when I eat it.

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Hey there! How are you doing? :hugs:


Apropos of nothing, this guy once described dioxygen difluoride as ā€œSatanā€™s kimchiā€.

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So I take it kimchi has some of that chemical in it?

oo that does look nice :slight_smile:

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Well! How are you today?


Been trying to find out about this batch, but all the cook will tell me is itā€™s her ā€œmomā€™s old recipieā€ so Iā€™m guessing thereā€™s a kimchi pot in there somewhere :slight_smile:

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Youā€™re still with us, so no. (He was actually talking about FOOF interacting with sulfur compounds, which gets VERY explody VERY fast.)

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Not too bad, just put away my weekly food shopping and ready to rock! :smiley:

Ah ok. Some kimchi is definitely better then others, but I would think the ā€œmomā€™s old recipesā€ would be the best ones. :smiley:

Ah ok, so itā€™s made by Goblins then. :rofl:


They do love having a blast donā€™t they. :smiley:

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And now that they have infiltrated our food with their boom booms, it can truly be said that sometimes Goblins shoot their mouth off! :rofl:

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yeah, gonna need more than pepto or tums for this upset tummy :rofl:

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Industrial Strength Anti-Goblin Shoot Off the Mouth with Boom Booms Reverse Upset Tummy Pills. (I.S.A.G.S.O.T.M.W.B.B.R.U.T.P). Iā€™ll head for the lab and get started on that right away. :laughing:

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sound purfectly gnomey :smiley:

does it go good with dwarf ale :smiley:

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Well, Dwarves are immune to the Goblin Mouth Boom Booms, to them it would just be a loud burp, but for the rest of us, yes, it would work very well with Dwarven Ale. :slightly_smiling_face:

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a neighboor who heard I was having a bit of a week brought over 2 cans of guinness and peanut butter pie oreos good snacks tonight

/happy dance

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That sounds scrumptious! Your Friday seems to be coming together really well! :smiley:

Guinness is good stuff. :yum:

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Too true :slight_smile:

Many good items traveling getting a pint and a meat pie :smiley: