“Not all Humans are my friend.”
/wicked wink
with the right dipping sauce, they make a tasty morsel
something sweeet and yummy to eaaaat
Having a sea food diet tonight.
Fresh Murloc
There are so many too
“So many flavors.”
Awkwardly glances in every direction
too true too true
You know it’s true what they say about the scarlet crusade
“Tastes like Chicken”
oh um Hi
/Divine Shield
“And Dwarfs taste like Brew Basted Pork.”
oooops, Pally - crunchy fast food
mmm beer battered ribs
Appears back in the Lounge
****, I set my hearth to here.
is ok, I promised to not cover any Cyndifriend in Tabasco
Can we expand that to not be any kind of condiments/toppings in general?
/hides the hot fudge and cool whip topping
ahh humans
“Don’t worry. You are not on the Menu.”
She needs something with more meat on it anyways, like a Kul Tiran or Pandaren.
I’m Light flavoured.
Ba dum tss
oooo Kul Tiran
now there’s a feast…good teriyaki glaze and a fine red wine go a long way there
that felt good, thanks u2