GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

yeah. i think that all the libra and sagittarius in me wants to burn me up and use me for good maybe or just use me for dreams and thoughts and stuff while my scorpio might actually keep me alive but maybe i’m just being delusional I dunno.

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i’m gonna PVP on gotnov one time or so… in battleground… the holy priest forum thread got me going nostalgic about holy priest…

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“Think of your Sagittarius as your Sail, your Libra as your Compass, and your Scorpio as your Survival Book, or the Anchor to your Boat.”

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/reads that jk rowling is up to her nonsense again

I would say “I’m bloody going to bed” after that but my anxiety is having a field day at every single noise thinking it’s somehow a gun shot when the rest of my brain is screaming “ITS NOTHING. SLEEP”


/comforting hug
/warm blanket

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I’m just so fed up of feeling hatred but I can’t shut that part of my brain off. This whole year has been nothing but bad news with no breaks in between.

My brain is seriously wired to experience every emotion at full blast and I hate it so much for times like this.


“I still love you.”


And I appreciate it I just wish my brain could get a break

I have to explain a little. BPD has me go thru something called “splitting”. Where I could instantly hate or love someone rapidly.

having this happen with my own mom after that incident I told you about earlier. Just stings more.

Going thru 30 years just to then find out ANOTHER family member has racist opinions…ugh. My aunt and uncle were racist, my grandma, my “dad” was a freaking neo cant say that word here and I only say “dad” because he wasn’t part of my life.

Think about it. I could have ended up just like them. And that thought terrifies me. I feel like I dodged a bullet. That’s how my anxiety is making me feel at the moment anyway.


“You could consider that a blessing.”


I’m trying but holy crap the invasive thoughts about it are louder than what I’m used to


“Then drown them out with good thoughts. Just talk/think back louder than the voices.”

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Trying. I just sometimes wish I could have gone with those space x dudes. Just “Nope I’m done. Going to space. Gimme internet. I’ll be set”

Not being able to even talk to a therapist sucks. Long story.


“Just think to yourself, they are all sheeple, except me.”

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Love ya Cyndi. I like your taste in music.


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Sorry for your troubles Rosenivy.


“The Beatles will ALWAYS be in my short list of top fave Bands.”

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yay i get some money soon and can buy shadowlands on some accounts and some account time too. whee. was gonna roll all the allied races and pandaren death knights just to be absurdly altaholic to the point of disease just because Blizzard lets me. And probably actually play them almost never. Oh well. A normal person would put some thought into the character creation and playing…

I need some water brb

Oh I unlocked the last allied race for me today this morning/night, Mechagnomes. Go me.

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i should try to have some fun and not talk about the game here I Suppose.
Hmm… how to roleplay.

(sets chair on felfire and sits in it) Hrm dee derm. (sips fel concoction)

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Eh, fel’s just not my style. Why do I play Gnarlsbeth anyway lol

Sips zen focus tea and floats on a cloud meditating

This doesn’t feel right either… I’m not a roleplayer am I… or just that herd following nerdy holy priest still… oh well.

I wish you all a good day!


Good Morning Everyone… have some coffee :coffee: