GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

So much squee!


EDIT: Finnegan is such a sneak!

trying to convince my brain it’s too early for sleep :stuck_out_tongue:


In his defense. Birthday cakes are for sharing.

Also I just realized with Legion raids being legacy now…oh man if I end up leveling all my alts to 120 I can get them some NICE armor even with the LFR color tiers.

Like that rogue gear from Antorus. That hat is sweet


You mean this set (different color though)?

It kiiiiinda looks like that

random legendary drop in Emerald Dream LFR

…Thank you???

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There are two LFR items I am still trying to loot; the Druid belt from Trilliax in Nighthold, and the Monk shoulders from Antorus (specially the world drop one).

The shoulders are orbs of purple that would look absolutely fantastic on my Void Elf rogue.


Man the mythic nighthold druid armor is god tier

Heck just mythic legion armor in general. Altho I do like some of the lfr tiers too of it. Like the LFR Nighthold Hunter set. That looks nice when I preview it on my lady zandalari hunter

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I managed to collect most of the Hunter Nighthold sets with the exception of Mythic, they really are one of the best mail armours to come out in a long time.

I’m still working on finishing off Mythic Shaman gear from Legion, it’s all fantastic. Especially for Trolls.


That’s one of my favorite hunter sets.

Aw man I’m tempted to level my darkspear shammy to 120 just to get that set. It’s freaking dope.


My theory? Blizzard knew they were removing class sets in BfA, so the art team poured all their best into Legion for one final hurrah. They nailed it too.


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They’re certainly iconic for classes.

Meanwhile I have no motivation to get the lfr or even normal set of BfA armor. At least the LFR Legion armor still looks polished and fancy

Hold on I take some of what I said back. The Warfront armor when you do the heroic quest version of it is nice.

Agreed! I’ve farmed every set except for a few missing pieces of Plate. Still missing the Sentinels Recurve bow for my Hunter though, it’s beautiful.

My current transmog is a combination of Legion and BfA Heroic Warfront gear, aside from the crown and undershirt.


Goodnight everyone!

I’m probably not going to hang out in here, but it was a nice visit. I mainly just wanted to post about the Pink Floyd song. This place has become beautiful again, and I don’t want to unintentionally do something to screw that up.

I’m not leaving the forums or anything, so you all will see me around and maybe I’ll pop in every now and then just to say hello, but I’m not going to hang out all day long like I used to many years ago.

Stay safe and healthy. We will all get through this! :heart: :hugs:


I am all out of likes, so please accept this butterfly instead as a token of my appreciation. :butterfly:

Please stay as healthy, safe, and happy as you can. I always enjoy chatting with you, so don’t be a stranger!


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Another week of no warlock mythic Nighthold / Emerald Nightmare shoulders.

Someday. Someday I will have them.

Okay. Lets try another 3 mask clear this time in Org to see if I do better. My weekly run this time was a 2 mask and I didn’t need an orb once so this might be easier.


I’m telling ya’ll the secret to good runs is to just listen to a crap ton of Eurobeat as you play.

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