GD Lounge # Reforged

mmm coffee, cookies and hugs. the best things in the world :smiley:

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“Did you sleep okay?”

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not bad :slight_smile:

Feeling a little draggy, but definitely been worse :smiley:

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“Nothing a big mug of strong coffee can’t fix, right?”

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too true
looks like I fell out of the area of probability for The storm too

not a bad night :smiley:

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“It’s also down to a Cat. 2, as well.”

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yep, I have deep respect for the earth mother’s wrath so I won’t do the celebratory spam melts till that storm is well up in the north atlantic.

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“I totally understand.”

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You’d think virginia beach - modern. But the drainage here is weak, and the power grid can’t deal with sustained winds above 60mph.

So a direct hit from a cat 1 would have us down at least a week.

Lol, went without power for 2 weeks once

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ugh…Bahamas looks like it got flattened :frowning:

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“I feel for them. It hung out there a long time.”

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yep :frowning:

Well on the positive I can go check out the global warming changes to my favorite fish place this weekend.

They had the whole restaurant raised 5 feet. found it pretty amazing

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“Sounds like fun.”

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yep, cool place. The menu is whatever came off the boats in the last day. They’ll do whatever you want to them, blackened, fried, grilled.

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“That sounds yummy.”

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yep, they do well :slight_smile:

Still got 3 more toons to do the weekly world boss. Guess I’ll see how many folks are still in bfa /giggle

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where I don’t raid, it’s about the only use I’ve found for resoruces

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Heyyyy how u doing?

Good morning my dear.

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hello there Fleb :slight_smile:

Looking good - liking classic?

Awn thanks, you looking quite fine as well.

Yeah classic is really fun, prob need to change server with how ridiculous queues can be on my server.