GD Lounge # Reforged

“I’m doing okay. How are things there?”

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Things are decent, started my new job yesterday, was quite the adventure.


“Like it so far?”

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Lovely place with good people, cant say for the work part, didnt have the chance yet. They gave me a welcome birthday balloon at my office lol. The only bad part is the time to get there can be bothersome


“Long trip, or lots of Traffic?”

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Long trip, I do like 5-6 hours of public transport in a day.


“Ouch. I feel for you.”

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need good coffee for that trip :frowning:

My village is stiring, time to tend to them. Have a good rest of the morning u2 :smiley:

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“Have fun, and give Mom a big hug from me too.”

Its okay, it just for 4 months!

Coffee and quick naps in train/bus is crucial. Have fun with your villagers miss!


“You gonna save up for a car? So you don’t have to ride the bus any more?”

(Mistress Sin yawns, and wanders off to bed.)
/tentacle wave
/sleepy smile

Going through the center of a big city is as bad at peak hours haha.

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ooo even up there eh?

Aye and driving rage is pretty commun haha

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rage…in Canada?

Didn’t think that was possible /giggle

Everything is possible in Quebec lol

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Ahh, y’all are the hyper part of Canada eh?

We are a special population 8)

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/peeks inside