GD Lounge # Reforged

posture check

Good Morning folks :smiley:

/peeks inside

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“Good Morning.”

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hello there :slight_smile:

putting together my surfy do list. Looks like the area of probability on the storm is tightening - almost out of it’s path /happy dance

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“Hope it misses you completely.”

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if it does, spam melts on saturday :smiley:

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/hopeful tentacle hug

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reading up on our greatest foe - scarlet crusade, they really really don’t like us cause we’re us eh /giggle

ahhh the more reason to pick pocket and stab em

/evil giggle

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yeah, the ears aren’t right - but I could get into this forsaken rogue stuff :slight_smile:

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“Personally, I LOVE their Stealth Animation.”

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the eyes are the touch for me. Nice and bright :smiley:

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“And with the right gear, the bones barely show up. Like what I put on Lady Cyndi.”

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was wondering about that.

Seemed like everything I put on at first becomes instant rags

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“They ALL do. The secret is to find colors that hide/camouflage the bones.”

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ahhh ok

So it’s like working with frayed styles :smiley:

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“Exactly. If you can find patterns, and colors, that camouflage the bones, and let them blend in, you can ‘hide’ them.”

“For example, Skirts are great at hiding the legs. I just don’t like skirts on Rogues, doesn’t look right to me.”

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skirt and drapey top ftw :slight_smile:

Once I get toons to lvl 30, Mystic Sarong was on the shopping list. It’s the purple skirt in game

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“Sounds good.”

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