GD Lounge # Reforged

“You may be one of the very few, seeing all the complaining in GD.”

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gosh yes, never thought I’d be looking for a high elf thread just for something different



it has been nice though seeing folks run around Brill and Dolanaar

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so tempted to try Star Trek Picard when it hits


“I want to see that one too.”


got my first blue the other day wonder when the epic is going to drop whatever it is i’m keeping it forever for posterity XD

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ooo that will be the best moment :slight_smile:

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Got a little trepidation about it. Star Trek Discovery just dont work for me. But Patrick Stewart always seemd like he could act thru bad scripts if needed /giggle


Still - as much as I respect Sir Patrick. In the age old question of Kirk or Picard, my answer is still

Sisko :smiley:


time to stock up on spam, water and batteries it seems

/sigh /giggle

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sounds like a classic wow shopping list XD

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“Ever had a Spam Melt? It’s made like a Grilled Cheese, except you use Fried Spam and Cheddar Cheese.”

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/tentacle dances out the door
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that’s actually the victory meal if the storm stays out to sea /giggle

yup, now just need basic campfire and I’m good to go :slight_smile:


not heard this one in a while :heart_eyes:

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I see a new Talesin and Evitel

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well, at least getting some good weapons drops in main wow :slight_smile:

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i think i will play some bfa in tell this q goes down

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so many full servers

going to call it a night myself. This bunny is just too sleepy :frowning:

Have a good night folks. May your loot be epic :smiley:

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