GD Lounge # Reforged

Yum! Burgers are cooking and French fries in the oven!

I am so hungry, I am about to eat this forum!

Anyone else want the originally planned Secret of Mana just so that we can at least know what exactly it was?

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/golfclap Now if only you folks would listen to the player base about what you are doing wrongā€¦

played the original back in 1994 i think it was was one of my favorite games just recently found out there is so meny games other than the original

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been tempted to dust off a few old games lately myself

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i still play all the old school games :slight_smile:

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was doing some house cleaning. found some of my old star fleet command gameā€¦ old game but fun times blowing up the Enterprise :slight_smile:

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Hello there Chosen :slight_smile:

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You caught me. :full_moon_with_face:

(think i quoted you right, we all lost some posts there :stuck_out_tongue: )



yep :slight_smile:

Tag, uā€™r it :smiley:


Someoneā€™s here. Starts cleaning the lounge, pulling chairs off of tables and wiping them down. Starts the coffee percolating, heats up water for tea and cocoa. Pulls out the juicer for making fresh lemonade, and assorted fruit juice. Mixes the dough for muffins, and fritters, then gets them into the oven.

Welcome to the GD Lounge,
We have good drinks, good eats, and other treat. So stay a while, kick up your feet, the atmosphere cannot be beat. Music always up to date, the alcohol I admit is great. So please come in and stay a while, we hope you when you leave itā€™s with a smile.


Ooo wonderful :slight_smile:
(where do u find the gifs, theyā€™re adorable :slight_smile:)
Tea is always a good thing

/breaks out personal stock of carrot cake and carrots for other bunnys

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Cuts a slice of carrot cake and gently places it on a dish decorated with little bunnies. Places a fork next to the dish. Goes to the kitchen and makes a cup of hot tea, sweetens it with a little clover honey. Places the tea (which is in a cup decorated with little bunnies, on a saucer, next to the cake.

Hurry hurry for yummy cake

hugs her sister in sneakiness.
Found them searching for anime bunny girl stickers.

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Did the other thread disappear? I am not seeing it, and the post I made is gone from my posting history. :frowning_face:

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/sips tea savoring the wonderful flavor

Yeah, there was some surprise drama in that thread last night, so it got 404ā€™d Iā€™m guessing early this morning

/admires the artistic decorations on the plate as she pick it up to savor a bite of the carrot cake

It had been really going well - tempted to start up a fresh one

/notices archanobunny eyeing the carrots


/passes Chosen some carrot cake and tea


Grins at Chosen, Iā€™ve got characterā€¦ charactā€¦ carractā€¦ carrotsā€¦

You were saying

I noticed some of the drama staring a day or two ago. Itā€™s sad that itā€™s gone, there were some who liked going there.

Hopefully they will realize they can come here and talk as well.

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yeah, pretty much started then.

/puts down fork after finishing last bite
mmm carrot cake and tea is heavenly

yeah, we had a little community there. A friendly place to hang out :slight_smile:

Does applejack still stop by?

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I think she still pops in once in a while. She makes the best desserts.

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