GD Lounge # Reforged

Hugs Sanlay, takes donuts, and alcohol
Thank you my angel of music.
Leaves for another month.


I try my best. Good luck Izzy.


::comes in with a cleaning cloth and a feather duster::

::wipes down the bar::

::pulls the cobwebs off of the ceiling::


The lack of Geno in Mario is appalling! Someone should get the Courts to issue Square-Enix a Court Order to transfer all Super Mario RPG Character Copyright to Nintendo regardless of whether Nintendo wants it or not!

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perhaps we need sharding here


awww i forgot this thing existed, rip old forums too but hell yea. glad to be back in the lounge


What is up fellow gamers


Waves at Gabbie and slides her an ale.

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Don’t walk, run. It isn’t what you think.

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Nintendo working with another company seems insane nowadays

Nintendo worked with Grezzo to make Triforce Heroes and that company is run by the Director of Secret of Mana…

If you were wanting the great art of Secret of Mana in Zelda or Mario I’m afraid to inform you that the late Artist of Secret of Mana had also designed Dawn of Mana and Children of Mana which were both eyesores.

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pops up out of the floor behind the counter and legit in one swift motion pours and drinks an entire mug of ale before plopping down on the floor and reading from a really old looking book


Comes out of the kitchen carrying a tray of freshly ghoul baked cookies and spreads them out for all to enjoy.

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/leaves carrots for the necrobunny and archanobunny

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now thats cookies :smiley:

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how do you do, fellow kids

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proceeds to look up from his book which is now making weird cackle sounds, distracting everybody. And gives the carrots to Arcano because Necro doesn’t eat.


Stealths in, Snatches Arcano Bunny, a few carrots for the both of them, Pounce hugs Sanlay. Arcano is my Bunny, my adorable little arcane bunny, she comes with me, I would never leave her behind. opens the empty bottle of liquid death for Arcano to climb in. we’ll be back so you can play with Necro later. waves and vanishes taking Arcano with her.