GD Lounge # Reforged

Hmm looks like I can’t make a post as just quotes…even if it’s quoting me.

Mmm yeah seems that quotes don’t count for the letter requirements.

I see though, that sucks. What are you having for dinner then?

I’m sure it’s to prevent pages of “lol”.

I had some rice and corn. Not happy, but too tired to start something else. Will try to eat a big dinner tomorrow.

Being fair, those could be annoying. And certainly spammy.

I see, well , at least you ate something. So, what else is left to do for the day?


Clean and then sleep. There is a bunch of charred meat and burnt sugar in that pan that can’t just sit overnight. The sugar will set into concrete.

Yup, that has happened to me before, it’s unnerving.

Is your cat already sleeping?

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What the hell is that thing.

Ok I’m awake again…and in a lot of pain. my foot slipped and I just basically kicked a wooden shelf with my shin. Ow!

Yea this was one of those things that you kind of have to boil out.

Cat sleeps most of the time, unless she is asking for food.

That phrase can pretty much be used on every creature in The Dark Crystal.
Terrifying and Traumatizing movie.

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Or everything on the internet…
Specially peoples internet browser history.

Ow!! /Huggggsss

Well, what are you doing now that you’re awake?

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Finally got around to doing a M+ and did a +6. c:

That one movie that will go my nono list.

There’s a scene in that movie where happy little gnome looking people are strapped to the walls around a giant pulsating crystal that drains their life force leaving them as wrinkled old husks. They don’t cut away, you see this happening. It’s a scene that no one remembers because the human mind doesn’t want to have to face it ever happened.

Other than getting a big bruise on my leg and answering forum posts? I guess trying to go back to sleep.


Well, I was in a HotS match. I was losing pretty badly but we started winning, and now won once you arrived. Lucky charm Evé.

I’m questioning the sanity of that person…

I’m not feeling too lucky right now. Well to me anyway.

With all the bad news about HoTS the funny clips just seem less amusing then they once did. So who were you playing?

Jim Henson had some strange ideas. If you ever get the time you should see the version of The Tale of Jack he did. It’s not nearly as terrifying, but some of the same kind of art was used to make the puppet version of Death.

I know, but maybe your luck will turn around soon. /Holds
Just hope there’s as much good on the following days as possible.

Yeah, hopefully they will share better news soon, because they have been unable to lift the community’s morale.
I was playing Nova, just pew pewing things.

So were you having any nice dreams?

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Right now all I’m asking for is to stay warm, and for my house to be like I left it when I get back.

If they have any sense left there will be some better PR damage control soon.
I haven’t played Nova in a long time. I played her a lot at first, but then Chromie showed up.

Not that I recall. I was aware that time was passing, but I kind of figured it would be 3 or 4 am by now. Seems I can’t tell time so great when I’m asleep.

/Wraps us both in a blanket
Well, I sure hope everything is as you want.

Yeah, their initial notice was just bad.
Nova is fun, it’s one of my most played heroes, it’s just relaxing that she can do pretty much whatever she wants.

Yeah that happens hah. Has the shin pain gone away?

Part of the reason I never really relax on these big trips.

Let’s be honest here, they’ve shown a pretty astounding level of failure to understand how poeople are going to react. Hopefully they don’t send the “you all have phones” guy to try and soothe the community.

Well I’m not limping, but getting back into bed I can tell the bruise is going to be really bad.