GD Lounge # Reforged

I totally understand that, it’s always worrying to leave stuff. Do you already know when you return?

Sadly yeah.
Looking at the different Blizz reddits and people supporting the HotS community was pretty nice. Looking at GD pretty much celebrate that HotS got killed was dumb.

I hope it’s not, random hits like that are the worst.

Good morning my sleepy loungers!

/Peeks /Hides



Busy day. So much left to do.


I totally figured that out.

The day before a big trip is always busy. So how’s life treating you today, hazelnut?

Did you? /boop

The day is sunny and clear. It’s not exactly warm, but it’s not nearly as cold and grey as most days have been. I guess it’s almost overly relaxing. Kind of day to curl up in a sunbeam rather than do load after loads of black laundry…

Yes, not that it made me want to see you any less, but still /Lifts

I’m glad the day feels better. Even if it’s just the day you have to do lots of stuff, at least you don’t have to do it in the colder environment.
Things are colder over here, yesterday it hailed pretty bad.

So, what else is left to do today?

/puts bat stickers on horns.

So the rain turned to hail? Sounds like summer in the UK.
How does the Doggo feel about hail?

Pack the checked luggage, pack my carry on with books and wires and other things I will need to get to in the plane.
Take the cat to the boarding place.
Make sure I have an outfit set out that includes easy off and on shoes.

So batty. /Nibbles

As I said, weather here is random.
Doggo doesn’t care about heavy rain or hail sound, but he finds it disgusting to step out on wet floor on the streets, he tries to find as much dry path as possible.

The last one is the most important. Stay comfy little hazelnut.
How’s the shin now?

I’m putting bat stickers on my wires so that they don’t get mixed up with other people in the house.
It’s cute, like
Love that hair.

What season does cookies and cream icecream fall from the sky?
Poor guy, seems like he needs some fashionable boots.

I will do my best. I’m not sure there is a lot I can do as far as being cozy on the long flight. Too much dry airplane air.
Shin hurts when I am sitting down. Not a problem when walking though. Already did my walk for today.

That’s the cutest thing ever <3. You’re so adorable /Steals /Snuuuuggggglessss
That hair is pretty cool for Medusa indeed!

Rabbit season.
I wanted to put him dog shoes but he doesn’t like it. I think she just likes his paws untouched.

Hope they give you a cozy blanket on the plane.
Mmm Well, at least you can walk without problems.

So any game dailies you will do today?

The bats are even purple. No one is going to have a problem figuring out who goes with the purple bats.

Vieralyn does not want to be hunted.
Must have been an aristocrat in a previous life.

I’m not flying first class. I will be lucky if they serve snacks…not that I can eat them, but I like the ginger ale.
I figure my leg isn’t going to really regester the damage until sometime tomorrow. Probably around the time I get there and want to face plant because I will have been awake since midnight tonight.

Did them at 4am. If they are on a 20 hour cool down I should be able to get in one last run before I leave the house.

That’s just so so Evé.
Most definitely hard to confuse that.

I’ll still catch and steal though.
Probably, he’s always been very spoiled by nature. When He first came, he didn’t want to eat anything, and was kinda…dying, until we gave him roasted chicken, now that he did eat, turns out he only eats delicious stuff, not company dog food.

Uh, I never fly first class and they still give us blankets here. They don’t do that there? weird.
Can’t sleep on the plane uh? I’m the same, even if I try, just can’t. I figure you’ll be quite tired so I hope you can rest well. Make sure to let me know you arrived well and are okay when you can though /leans

Oh, what hour exactly do you have to leave?

I have to leave the house by 2am to get to the airport. They want you to set aside like 4 extra hours to get through TSA.

I will give you a head up when I’m on the ground on the other side of the country.

Yeah, over here, they asks us to arrive 3 hours earlier too. Is annoying.

I appreciate that. /Hug

Ugh, so the “free posting” is over now. Got logged out and had to use the WoW token I had in reserve to come back. Guess that’s just how it’s meant to work with Blizz. Still sucks though, at least had a free month posting.

What are you up to now?

Seems absurd, but better safe than missing a flight.

Are you up to anything interesting for the Holiday?

Seems it just kind of logged everyone out. When I checked the page it asked me to activate my account.

/stuffs Averyx in backpack.
Still doing laundry and packing.

For sure. Hope you can take a nice nap before going though.

Mmm interesting as in?
I mean, over here Christmas is just a time to spend with your family. What are the plans once you’re there?



So, I’m reading, the hivemind was a big disappointment, apparently it can only carry people you completed the quest with…

I will probably go to sleep early.

Just wondered if there were any regional traditions?
Well it’s pretty much the same. I’m spending time there with my family, I’m just not as fond of them for extended time as my mother is. There is a good reason Benjamin Franklin said After three days both fish and guests start to smell.

/feeds cookies.

Like the actual party? I thought it was sort of an aggregate mount that gained speed for every person with the mount in the group? So you can only link with other people that have the mount, but it just links them all.

That’s reasonable.

Well Christmas is a bit more religious here, so people puts figures that reproduce Jesus’ birth night and dedicate a bit to pray and other worshiping stuff. That’s why Christmas is a bit uncomfortable to me, I’m the odd of the family that’s just away at that point.
Another difference is that we give gifts at midnight, not in the morning.

That’s totally true. hope these days pass quickly for you.

/Munches happily

Here’s how it works
“You can then carry up to 4 more people - with each person adding 10% to your mount speed up to a maximum of 40%! You can only carry people that have completed the most recent Hivemind ritual with you. If you want to link up with a different set of players, you must complete the ritual with them as your most recent group .”