Those are all kind of dark magic powers, I like them, cool choice.
And yes I definitely would heh, well Mmm favorites…I’ve always liked electrokinesis and cryokinesis , I’ve also always liked the idea of turning into a werewolf with awesome claws and though skin/fur <.<
Her point is that everything in DC needs a kid and opposite gender counterpart.
Glad you can see the problem too. What you mention is exactly it. No one wants a token just because…or at least no one who actually wants a story. Diversity is fine and all, but when the story is meant for it because the author wants it or is what makes the most sense, not when the author just feels like they have to fill a representation quota. Tokenism kills creativity.
I really like how Legends of Tomorrow does it, it’s actually a very diverse show with different sexualities, people from many ethnicities and places. However they don’t shove it in your face and characters aren’t meant as tokens, they are just that, characters. There’s a muslim girl for example, actually the one who got turned into a cat hah, who I didn’t even know she was muslim until more than half the season she was introduced in because they just had no reason to mention it, she has a personality beyond her “quota” same as the other characters and that’s great.
Yea it wasn’t the most inventive one, but she was neat.
Glad you approve. My Night Widow was more a stealth assassin sort of character, but she had some pretty ridiculous stacking buffs.
Cryokinesis…oh Elsa. Hmm you should make some kind of werewolf ice sorceress.
This is why marvel is doing better.
/nods I do think tokenism isn’t a strong enough word for this kind of crap writing, but I’m glad it has a title.
Well that’s how people are, no one is just one thing…if they are they are really boring people. I guess the fear is that you make characters so complex that people get confused. Main characters should have real depth though.
[quote=“Averyx, post:3271, topic:19740”]
So what are you up to?
[/quote]My allergies have gotten the best of me for the moment, I’m going to try and get some sleep.
Haven’t really watched netflix in a long while. Was playing a HotS match.
The VPN brings me to the USA server again, also discovered an issue I was having with my computer freezing all the time was most likely because of my internet controller so I may have to use the wi fi adapter forever.
You haven’t been dead very long have you? /hands two oboli to pay the ferryman.
I thought you were watching netflix last night. Is the flash on something else?
I’m not a fan of wireless on desktops, it always seems less consistent.
Awake, bored, building gothy outfits over in that superhero game.
Darkness is eternal ever since they cancelled Daredevil on netflix.
/Puts on shelf
Hi Sev. How is it going for you?
The CW the network I told you about. I told you how I watched it on the network’s site thanks to the VPN earlier, now I’ve discovered even more advantages to that. I can watch things with subtitles so when someone with an accent I don’t recognize talks I can read what they are saying or when they talk other ancient languages in Vikings.
It does seem less consistent but I got a good adapter during my visit on the US so , it’s better than keep crashing at least.
Nothing, that’s what. Most likely the current seasons in production of JJ and The Punisher will be the last ones as well. At least they now know and can make a proper ending.
Yeah this is really messed up, maybe disney plans on bringing their stuff over to their platform but idk, not sure I am willing to spend more money for streaming services.
It is, really enjoying it a lot, glad they have brought in the RPG story mechanics this time around. Decisions could have a bit more of an impact for how they affect you but there some things you can do that change dialogue of characters you meet down the road.