Disney has sadly also passed on the Defenders series. I know what you mean though, I definitely don’t want to pay for more streaming and it seems there’s more and more all the time. At some point they have to become like tv channels…
Well they basically think that the average customer should be spending around $200 a month on TV and Internet, when people started cord cutting and just paying for Internet, Netflix, and Hulu I am sure that ruffled a few feathers. The thing is I don’t know if they realized people will just simply not subscribe to stuff, it will take some serious failures on their part for them to get that through their heads. People are willing to pay like half that amount for that stuff.
Yeah, in the end we can always just download the shows. I know I will definitely do that for those new MCU shows on the Disney streaming if it’s too expensive <.<.
It’s cold, my head kinda hurts, but I just put a pork shoulder into the crockpot with carnita seasonings. So dinner will be warm and wonderful… just need to get past all the not so warm and wonderful parts of the day.
I started a new hero that was more properly necromancy. I haven’t gotten to the raise dead part though, and so the random alert I just ran was really really painful. My backside took a bruising.
I think if you want to help me with my walk through the frozen tundra, I’m going to have to carry you on my back.
Well our healer seemed to want to dps, and my self heal has a really low range for the moment. It’s not quite a bite, but it’s not much further than that. Also I don’t remember a tank. Seems that stacking toxin power I took really irritates bosses. So D’Mademoiselle Nocturne gave me several shadow lined boots to the jaw.
It will never get above freezing today, and there’s a wind. Feels like 24f outside the weather says.
Sort of depends on the power set, but basically you have a “Balance” bar that goes away as you use powers. It regenerates, but not at quick as the flow of combat. There are basic attacks that build the balance bar back up. They don’t do much damage, but you use them as often as you need to as you chain larger powers. My builder, heal and AoE right now also have that added toxin DoT. Later I should be able to screen things more with undead, but for now that isn’t an option.
It’s very simple to create a superhero outfit, if you take fashion advice from Emma Frost.
I mean it was really simple to be skimpy in City, but I think the ability to modify the material in Champions makes for a more lace an latex playerbase.
Well the quick ones are things like foiling a bank heist, or defusing bombs. There is one that involves villains getting a hold of a time portal. There are also a bunch of zone things, but they seem less bang for your time as far as xp.